Toe tows

"In a too little, too late bid to give the audience what they want…"

I was taking a genre fiction class for my Library Science master's and had to read a Nora Roberts book entitled "Jewels of the Sun." Completely, totally, unnervingly excruciating.

No Amy Grant?

I meant "shtick."

Ten years from now…
when the Cable Guy schtick is done, Daniel Lawrence Whitney will actually appear in a Sundance-style drama as a recovering or unrepentant alcoholic with daddy-isssues. Don't be surprised if he garners some positive reviews.

Actually sounds like a pretty cool movie. Like a "Sesame Street" uncensored kinda thing.

Well, Mr. Brooks was about a millionaire police detctive, too.

Maybe I'm not unique in this…
…but Baltimore as depicted in "The Wire" seems an awful—emphasize awful—lot like my fair city of Saint Louis.

Oops. Wrong website.

As far as I can tell, this song first appeared on a 1994 Aimee Mann EP entitled "Save Me."

Two hours?!!
Dear God.

Aimee Mann original?
Maybe I'm misreading the Magnolia section, but "Wise Up" was not comissioned for "Magnolia" and was featured prominently in "Jerry Maguire" several years earlier.

Oops. Did not know that. Now I feel a little stupid. I guess it's inevitable that if we're all raised with the same cultural influences, that we'll end up making the same jokes eventually.

Hold on
I made a joke about Michael Bay directing a "Hungry Hungry Hippos" movie in the Hitman talk back. Oswalt's stealing my material.

Paul Mercurio
I think he won the leading role in a sweepstakes. 100th caller kinda thing.

It's Patch!
"The super duper looper!"

It's Patch!
"The super duper looper!"

Hegemony on Life Day
Did you see Leia gleefully and cluelessly inflicting her hegemony by telling Wookies how to celebrate their own holiday?

Remember renting "Airplane" in high school—rated PG—and being surprised that it featured nudity.

"The Holiday" was 128 excruciating minutes. I'm with you on that rule usually.