
Update: looks like reports of additional shooters were false. So I guess that counts as good news in this shitty situation.

I've seen reports that two more shooters are being sought. Hopefully this resolves without any more violence and bloodshed.

It's overwhelming to consider. There are so many large outdoor gatherings. We have security personel and metal detectors to screen out sketchy people and weapons. What good is that against a speeding truck?

It's happening to lots of us. A Disqus mod sent an inquiry, but no word back yet.

Aww darn.

Book depository. A book suppository is… something else.

Can I just upvote this article? Welcome back, O'Neal.

Wow. Just wow.

Oh man! I think I got one of these once. I was all excited when I got a book, but after my mom checked through my candy haul it was gone… Good on her.

Sorry, the pumpkin bread wasn't from a bakery there. I was on a road trip with some friends and we stayed a night at a house rented by a dozen college kids. I wanted to ask for a recipe, but I didn't know who had made it.

True. I had a basic self-defense class a year ago. I'm fairly certain that makes me a ninja.

I don't get why people seem to think a few hours of target practice with static targets in any way prepares them for chaotic situations with noise and people getting in the way and adrenaline. When there are gunshots on my block, my hands get so shaky it's all I can do to dial 911.

hee… Disquisling

Yes, I would, Kent.

Same happening here. Though the notifications thing just did start working again (for me), I'm still having trouble seeing profiles. And the comments are wonky.

Gotcha. Thanks for explaining that more concisely and helpfully than Disqus does.

A question: Disqus has never let me log in through them. Any idea how I can fix that?

*cue laugh track*

Hint: leftovers make great jeon.