
It's their final season, let them have a little fun.

I don't think Boyd ever told Ava he visited the guard.

That's pretty country, though.

During that last scene with Ava and Raylan, I was unconsciously holding the couch blanket up around my face, and I literally tossed it across the room when they kissed and squealed from the tension (she kissed him?). I didn't know I wanted to see them back together until just then. They have INSANE chemistry. Of


And eat all the pizza you want!

I ended up in Chicago, so pretty much the same here. We still have a bunch of snow on the ground too.

I like The Californians, but I fear it's run its course.

As an avid lover of NYC (I try to visit once a year and might have lived there if things had gone differently), I got choked up a bit at the tribute to the city. Sorry, nothing to add about what was missing.

This is what I've been saying! Why else would they show him in the flashback?

I still maintain that it's somehow Tommy.

That movie also had the best Lex Luthor since Gene Hackman. Maybe better?

I have memories of images if that makes sense. I tested it with my dad and asked him if when grandpa was sick with cancer, did he used to lay on a brown couch with a green blanket? He did. There aren't any photos of that couch. My dad was pretty astonished since i was only 2 or 3.

eat my shorts!

I was seven and I remember this episode vividly, but much of Sesame Street has stuck with me. My mom said she really liked the opportunity to discuss what death means, since I had yet to attend a funeral. I'm also getting choked up just reading the damn headline.

All plants have bits of earth in them, and they've established that earthbenders can bend plants in A:TLA. I just assumed that there's enough earth in the tree and especially a spiritual tree for her to connect.

It needed to happen because it's a short season. I would have preferred she got it out last episode, actually.

Korra, I am your mother!

She can't see, she feels the earth around her and the spiritual energy. The badger moles taught her that.

Earthbender. I really dig their bending movement style, and moving the freakin' earth would just rule.