bi bo ba

I should add, though that NO ONE should see this in theaters. Talk about a waste of money.

Well, I think there's an argument to be made for knowing what kind of crap your opponents are spouting off. Remember when Letterman tried to smack down O'Reilly for spreading hateful crap, before havign to admit that he'd never actually watched the show? It doesn't make his argument any less valid (I don't have to see

Movies like this are the worst sort of crap — all they do is provide more "justification" for unthinking morons to believe what they already do. "I saw it in a move, so my argument is automatically more valid!" This goes for Michael Moore, Morgan Spurlock, et al. What the hell happened to making an

so in the past 4 months nothing happened
What a wasted opportunity this episode was. Instead of using this as a kickass season opener, all we get is shit we already know. In the past 4 months…
* Peter exploded, but remained unharmed. He was locked up but escaped. He lost his memories but regained them.
* Nathan was

And what was up with Tyra talking to the girls like she was teaching a special ed class?

the ring! starring heather!
Jesus, watching Heather crawl toward the camera while looking "sexy" was scarier than any J-horror flick.

full names
I love how everyone he knows (and is great friends with) is referred to by their full name. In 2 questions about Martin Lawrence, he calls him "Martin Lawrence" 6 times. Same for Jimmy Fallon. I mean, if they're your friends, can't you just call them Martin and Jimmy? Would the reader really be that

admit it, tasha
You made up that entire second paragraph.

I love the idea of a K-Fed spinoff special. He and his family (crazy Uncle H-Fed, sassy sister I-Fed, and hot cousin J-Fed) move to the bayou to fight crime and engage in various shenanigans. Sign me up.

God, I hope it has a snappy theme song.

oh corky…
I hate you and I hate your ass face!

that's ok isabella
Anyone who can recite that speech from memory is ok with me.