That would make sense, since being able to do so would have gotten Juno out of her predicament.
That would make sense, since being able to do so would have gotten Juno out of her predicament.
also most characters of David Mamet, Joss Whedon, Aaron Sorkin…
Oh but you're wrong. YOU'VE ALWAYS BEEN IN COCKTAIL.
RIP Andrew Koenig.
Well they could have an AGENTS OF SWORD, and be the morally compromised TORCHWOOD to SHIELD's UNIT.
Leo always appears with his adopted infant sister, Soon-Lee.
An earlier version of you was looking forward to hate-reading Smash news?
Oh man. You are messing with my fuzzy memories of that show with your terrible reality.
I'd also say that, although I preferred the Bombshell songs, Hit List seemed more coherent musically (Bombshell wins on plot coherence only because we already sort of know the underlying chain of events).
That later inspired me to make a userpic summing up Superman Returns…
doo wocka doo wocka doo
Just learned yesterday that Star Trek: The Next Generation character Wesley Crusher was originally supposed to be a girl name Leslie Crusher. I think that the change would have been an improvement, but would have been an enormous mixed message for girl astronauts-to-be: you may get to space, but will become lame.
This sounds like Sep talk to me.
I think the idea is that the Jedi are supposed to be independent of the government and mostly out being heroes (although doing favors when asked if it's in a good cause), but that the Palpatine started the Clone War in order to deliberately get them entangled in the state, destroying them spiritually before he…
The important thing is that his fly is buttoned.
Coincidentally, Amy Heckerling mentions several times on the (EXCELLENT) FTaRH commentary track (with Cameron Crowe) that her attempts to get resources for the film were often ignored because the studio was pouring everything into Zapped, which was obviously going to be the big movie of the summer.
The Fury has a lot of problems, but I love it with an unreasoning love. Kirk Douglas's ridiculously apartment-by-apartment quest to find his son, the unusual Chicago locations (which has to include superyoung Dennis Franz), the visual portrayal of psychic visions and connections (one of the best at this, after Don't…
Your version makes sense too. And then there's the Defenestration Of Prague (when the Czech parliament threw the Austrian legates out of the window, their fall broken by a pile of garbage), which is one of those silly freedom moments that could inspire activists, a la the Boston Tea Party (except that in this case 30…