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    I never remembered it being in the theaters, but I loved the film on TMC (Canada's HBO at the time).  I watched it a dozen times at least.  The opening part was the main appeal, but I loved the last part as well.  The narrative was building up to a discovery, and something had to happen.  Maybe less cartoon like

    Thanks :D

    Thanks :D

    I would say that Superman has a third meaning in Ware's work, after Superman and God: dads or father figures.  That first issue of Acme Novelty has Jimmy going to see "Superman," a guy paid to appear at a mall or somewhere.  That guy then hits on Jimmy's mom and sleeps over.  He then sneaks out in the morning, giving

    I would say that Superman has a third meaning in Ware's work, after Superman and God: dads or father figures.  That first issue of Acme Novelty has Jimmy going to see "Superman," a guy paid to appear at a mall or somewhere.  That guy then hits on Jimmy's mom and sleeps over.  He then sneaks out in the morning, giving

    My one time at comic-con, around 1999, I dropped acid on the second day.  It was a fucked up, strange day…  A day done considering the myriad of things humans do, before checking out and sitting at the bay behind the convention center watching little boats.

    My one time at comic-con, around 1999, I dropped acid on the second day.  It was a fucked up, strange day…  A day done considering the myriad of things humans do, before checking out and sitting at the bay behind the convention center watching little boats.

    Knock knock
    Who's there?
    9-11 who?
    You said you'd never forget!

    Knock knock
    Who's there?
    9-11 who?
    You said you'd never forget!

    I thought all the drug use was pretty well portrayed, except the bear when Ruth took an E, which was just silly.  Still, it was pretty accurate, and I wonder what my mom thought about it.  Red wine is her worst drug, so there was no frame of reference.  I don't want to ask about it now though.

    I thought all the drug use was pretty well portrayed, except the bear when Ruth took an E, which was just silly.  Still, it was pretty accurate, and I wonder what my mom thought about it.  Red wine is her worst drug, so there was no frame of reference.  I don't want to ask about it now though.

    I was thrilled to see this show get reviewed last year, and I watched the first season again to go along with it, then I couldn't stop, and watched all five seasons.  Overall, they all were better than the first time around.  Flawed, but good.

    I was thrilled to see this show get reviewed last year, and I watched the first season again to go along with it, then I couldn't stop, and watched all five seasons.  Overall, they all were better than the first time around.  Flawed, but good.

    I love Prodigy's Music For the Jilted Generation as much as I hate The Fat of the Land.  It's a solid album.

    If it bends, it's funny, if it breaks it's not funny.

    Donald Trump is practically King Joffery at this point.

    Beauty is in the ear of the beholder.  Each album sounded like a progressive step down from their first until I gave up around the fifth one.  I like them for their swagger, and they lost it early on, in my opinion.  Their second album was the last one I was able to develop a personal relationship with.

    Kung Fu is still a solid track, and I was thrilled to see it over the credits of Rumble In The Bronx.

    I loved the self-titled one, but it was a very different phase for the band.  I like 13 and Think Tank, but they are a bit scattered.  Amazing that they could shift so wildly, and start name-dropping Pavement as their new top influence after chart-topping with the whole Brit-Pop thing.

    I saw Menswe@r live on their little North American tour.  It wasn't very good.