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    I love Carnival of Light.  It reminded me of the retro-album the Charlatons put out around the same time, but I never really got into the Chalatons one.  I'll still listen to Carnival of Light from time to time.

    I would love to see you cover Oz.  It is the first good HBO show that I can remember

    Perry really was great.
    I miss him, and wish he still acted.

    I think there was a bigger challenge with the language. It doesn't come across well in the episodes, but Kamakura is south of Tokyo. When the cowboys were trying to find their route, the camera zoomed into the road sign, which was a north Tokyo expressway. Even though Japan has stuff written in English letters,

    You too, anonymous poster. Mr. Von Doviak most likely appreciates you trolling people who enjoyed his recap…

    Eddie Murphy is still a star around the world. I live in Japan at the moment, and when even dreck like The Haunted Mansion (or whatever it was called) came out, it was a major movie. Nobody else from SNL did that. Maybe Mike Myers is second after that, since Austin Powers was a little popular.

    More recaps please.

    Why won't you blog the season?
    I guess it isn't so popular with AV Club types, but it is still the best reality show on TV, and even a bad season is better than most TV. Thanks for doing the odd recap at least.

    I'd like to give this a spin
    It's not available where I am, but the play mechanics looked interesting. I'll try to follow this one.

    Wow, how prickish. How dare an average individual not shell out $1,000++ on a professional DJ system rather than enjoy a game…

    It's not so bad
    The criticism leveled at it is fair, but would it be so harsh if it was on Fox or the CW? Bader is funny, the lead is not played xenophobic at all, and it does mine some genuine culture differences respectfully. I give it a C

    It's not so bad
    The criticism leveled at it is fair, but would it be so harsh if it was on Fox or the CW? Bader is funny, the lead is not played xenophobic at all, and it does mine some genuine culture differences respectfully. I give it a C

    The people living under a bridge
    I heard about this last year, in a Podcast, I think. I wish I knew which one. (my regulars are Radiolab, Savagelove, and This American Life)

    Your post rings home to me. I remember getting stoned for the first time at age 19, and the vibe to me was: It's okay to be stupid. Up to that time, I was Roman on Party Down. I still am, to an extent, but I've learned how to laugh, thanks to early 20's experiences with pot and E. Now I'm fairly sober, but

    Voodoo People
    I'd forgotten how good the Prodigy were on their second album (the one with Voodoo People). They sucked before and after, but they hit a sweet spot there, like a new punk rock.

    Thanks for covering this
    I read the whole of the China season you covered, and was disappointed it wasn't continued. Don't make me go to EW for recaps, please!

    The movie looks horrific
    but I don't see a need to know the CGI. That part was really well done. Instead, can't we sympathize for the talented artists who gave a year of their lives to create this crap rather than knock their talents?

    best joke of the episode
    "I got Gloria! I got Gloria!"

    Muslims in India
    That was fake drama. Muslims are roughly 10% of the country. I've have lots of pork curries. Maybe on the border of Pakistan, I wouldn't serve it.

    Really interesting article
    I like Seth's stuff, he has good taste. I don't always agree with the stuff he doesn't like, but the stuff he does like is always worth taking a look at. The Little Orphan Annie pics you showed were great, I can totally see Chester Brown ripping them off.