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    Mr. Ryan
    I've hated a noticeable amount of this man's articles, but in the last few months agreed with a few things he's wrote. I too was a tinnitus afflicted audience member of that Jesus Jones/Ned's tour, and still can sing along with most of Ned's songs on the first two albums (I tapered off on the third). Maybe

    Survivor blog…
    I miss you.

    should have been called
    The Oscometer

    Easy to watch
    if it was an hour, I'd be bored, but the show is smooth and well paced. But the hand held camera is a little frustrating.

    I've been a fan
    since Johnny Bluejeans. Michael Ian black has a magic charisma. I hope he can renovate even more rooms of his house.

    for some reason
    this film was treated as an instant classic in my household, and I probably saw it 5-6 times in my childhood. But then again, Erik the Viking was a classic in my house too. I suppose I was just lucky, and it's why I have discerning tastes today.

    great show
    KITH was great, and this is one of the best projects to come out of it. I watched the first 2 or 3 seasons, but then started uni, so I don't remember later ones so much. Pretty much everyone on the show was funny, so unusual for that kind of sitcom.

    I'll have to track this down
    I remember the Canadian show when it aired in Toronto on City TV when I was a kid. At age 6 or 7, I hated it, but but age 8 or 9 I loved it. All those references didn't make a lot of sense, but something was funny.

    I liked it
    I read every episode, and even tracked down a few because of it. Don't grade everything on comments. Honestly, 30 year old episodes of SNL didn't move me to express my opinion, but your opening paragraph did.

    should've made a new blog for the last season
    It was awesome. China was good, this season was great. the avclub should play the odds and roll with survivor.

    Japanese website
    I'm not sure that they import those pringles. All of them have Japanese writing on the labels, so if they were imported, they were made to be imported, not some other country's version with a sticker to replace the info (like American Doritos in Japan can be).

    Japanese snacks are weird
    Apparently Japanese snacks that are weird. They should stick to pork rinds like America does. Or Doritos. Those chemical concoctions are utterly normal compared to dried fish. What kind of freak country doesn't get it's daily does of riboflavin from processed snacks? Three cheers for the