
In my experience as a councillor, anything you can do to educate people about how local government works is good. What most folks know about local government and governance would comfortably fit on a postage stamp, with room to spare.

I'm a straight woman, and I'm besotted with Missandei.

And Peggy.

Yes, he is besotted with Missandei. If it weren't for Grey Worm I would be cheering for them to get together.

Since we know Valerian steel is one of only two things to kill the White Walkers, I suspect Arya will be having a close encounter with them soon.

Yeah, that had to be Bronn. Although I'd love it if it turned out to be Tyrion. . . .l

As a journalist working in a small town and knowing people quite well, I think you handled the mayor's illness well (by which I mean adopting the official 'absent due to illness' line). As you say, council is still functioning, and yes, the mayor has the right to decide how much he wants to disclose about a deeply

The Underground City tour in Seattle is pretty cool, and some of the shops down near Pike Place Market incorporate part of the old underground portion into their current business (the great Elliott Bay bookstore, which has since relocated, had a coffee bar on the ground floor, which was part of the underground city).

As a Sherlockian whose favourite screen Holmes is Rathbone, I love your user name. . . .

"She's already forty, which in Hollywood terms basically means "bye, bye major career!"

Agreed. It was a small role, but he was wonderful in it. When I think of Hardy it's Siegfried first, Sir John a close second, Churchill third, and Cornelius Fudge way down there.

In her book about the making of Sense and Sensibility, Emma Thompson wrote that in one scene where Hardy's character was in the background, she needed him to ad lib some authentic-sounding period dialogue; and without hesitating he did just that.

They're not, because they're too busy explaining why all the kids are now being armed ("So you can protect yourself and the school from bears").

And Indira Varma was wonderfully eloquent - despite the gag - in her scene with Headey. The look in her eyes when she realised what Cersei had just done with that kiss. . . .

'I'm a man. And I can change. If I have to. I guess.'

Even though I live in Canada, and changes at KCTS 9 in Seattle (my 'local' station) mean I no longer get a tax break on my donation, I continue to support them annually, as I have every year since the mid-1980s. I even took part in a pledge drive years ago, when KCTS still had an office in Vancouver. The Sherlock

I'm Canadian, and used to give blood regularly. Then I moved to England in 1992 and lived there until 1997; and because of that - given the BSE scare there - found I was unable to give blood here when I returned in 1997, and still am unable to donate.

Exactly. I have an iPod Classic and I wouldn't part with it for the world. It does one thing, and does it incredibly well, so of course Apple killed it.

Great David Warner quotes from Time Bandits: there are so many, but my favourite (much quoted in this household) is 'You are so mercifully free from the ravages of intelligence.'

This is just - amazing. Thank you, Will (and thank you, David Warner!).