
This week in small town journalism: I finally got a bit of a break on Wednesday when, after 12 days of 16 - 20 hour days covering the massive wildfire around here (it's now 58,000 hectares and still only 30 per cent contained), I was able to take some time off. Being the one person in a one person newsroom can be

Vox [as in fox] pop-you-lie.

Day-oos ex ma-[a pronounced as in 'a', as in 'a bag of candies'] shin-a [ditto]

And wobble whenever anyone touches them or passes too close.

You might want to see a doctor about that.

Be careful, or you might end up with black pudding, not pudding as in treacle tart.

Is Casualty still going? Used to watch it every week when I I lived in the UK in the mid-1990s. I can only assume that Thompson is the only original cast member still with the show and that he's getting paid for seniority (because it's not for acting ability, if my memories of the show are accurate).

Plus she's taking a job away from a man who could actually use it to support a wife and family.

I was living in Britain when the whole OJ thing went down in 1995, and while it was reported on, it was by no means the non-stop media frenzy it appears to have been in North America, thank goodness.

George Formby! I had never heard of him (a Canadian from the west coast of Canada) until I lived in Britain for five years in the mid-90s; and then his songs were everywhere (I lived on the border of Formby's Lancashire).

Liked for H.P. Lovecraft reference (and the aptness of the comparison).

I a) had no idea who Ed Sheeran is (a little Googling shows I'm apparently outside his target demographic by several decades, and I don't have a teenaged daughter), b) did not know he was in the episode, and c) did not have said episode ruined for me because he was in it (which appears to have been the response of a

My English father-in-law was in his early 20s when WW II broke out, but he was a train driver, which was a protected service, so he didn't go to war. Mum was a Land Girl in the Women's Land Army during the war.

Years ago, when my son was young, I used to get a monthly parenting magazine, and one of the regular columns was a 'Cooking for/with kids' one, with different recipes each month. One month, one of the recipes was for something Indian-inspired that called for cumin or curry powder or something similar; nothing that

I definitely don't do it for the money (my 19-year-old son, a dispatcher for the RCMP, makes nearly twice what I do as a gross salary; hey, love you, son, don't forget who brought you into this world!). I'm doing what I'm doing as much as a community member as anything else.

I used to be 'Better not let anything happen to Ser Davos' - and I still am, Liam Cunningham is wonderful - but damn, if anything happens to Lady Lyanna there will be hell to pay.

It was great to see David Bradley back, however briefly.

Yes, I'm it for the paper. I have one freelancer in Clinton who sends a weekly column about that community, but other than that I do all the writing, editing, design, and layout. My publisher just runs our paper.

This week in small town journalism: Where to start? On Thursday, July 6 the BC Wildfire Service noted a small (2.1 hectare) fire had started on the Ashcroft Indian Reserve just south of the town of Ashcroft, B.C., where I live. It seemed contained; but on Friday July 7, whipped by fierce winds and tinder-dry grass and

Please, someone do Rome at last!