
Yvette Regrets sounds like a band I'd check out.

Fake Band Names Thread?

Agree on Mr. Little Jeans (they have an amazing cover of Arcade Fire's "The Suburbs"). I would also say that MS MR and Diet Cig are good, but maybe not everyones cup of tea.

I was surprised to see how many bands I've actually heard of this year. Mr. Little Jeans, MS MR, and Diet Cig are good in my opinion, but then again their names are far from the most ridiculous in this list.

I was nervous because every interview he's done in the past 5 years has shown major signs of dementia. It's tough seeing your heroes age, but he definitely succeeded in reprising his role, and I'm glad they gave him a clear out.

Shit, I've been unemployed for months now and I still can't watch it all. They should just stop making TV for a year so we can all catch up.

It's a fun comedy. This random internet stranger recommends it.

Reminds me of that scene in Fanboys with the Jar Jar tattoo. "That guy's gonna be the shit, I tell you!"

And Westminster, surprisingly. I knew they had an IMAX screen there but I would've never imagined they were equipped for 70mm.

That website needs to learn about some more current web design trends.


Thank you. It's a holdover from AVC's older logo/commenting system. Since the comment system "upgrade" I can't change it, and so I am doomed to surf the threads with a slightly irrelevant thumbnail.

Gotta love Alton's description under his name: Thyme Lord.

My favorite Wavves song this year is their collaboration song with Cloud Nothings, "Come Down," but V is a great album.

I am also disappointed that Rob showed up again, for basically the same reasons. Otherwise it was a great episode.

We truly have appeased the TV gods.

Yeah… Sadly, I'm at the point where I pirate episodes and just fast forward through most of the fluff/interviews I don't care about.

Especially Colbert. And they wonder why he's slipping in the ratings!

As a daily earl grey drinker, what are some other (caffeinated) teas to look into?

Amazon Prime has Season 1 and 2, if you happen to have that service.