
Is this Pokemon episode where the Simpsons joke "Isn't it that cartoon that causes seizures?" comes from?

'Tis against the prime directive, english.

I know about and watch so little of TBS I never noticed they switched to a shittier logo.

Doctor! Put me back in the coma!

The little conversation they had in front of the bins of empty booze totally has a new meaning for me.


I'm currently too emotionally incapacitated to fight, so I'll just hand you this as a compromise: ≥

In a similar vain, You're the Worst's episode tonight > Futurama's Seymour the dog "napping"

Not knowing much about LA I can honestly see it either way, but maybe I'm just projecting my own hang-ups about the suburbs. But yeah it was a definitely a great, snide question.

I wonder if he meant "why live in LA?" or "why live in this type of neighborhood?"

I'm definitely in a similar phase in my life, which I've now labeled my quarter-life crisis. I think that's why this show (and especially this episode) hits hard, it captures the modern funk and tribulations so well.

You're The Worst, I Love You But You're Bringing Me Down

Are you familiar with Uniqlo? I've never been but my friends from NYC swear by it, and I'm sure they have one in a city like Chicago.

I miss the pre-Disqus days. I feel like commenting was super easier, and I didn't have to continuously "load more comments."

Scandal got one recently too, if I remember correctly.

Needs more moon, less raking.

Nevermind, I want my money back.

Yeah, but, like, a robot too, I guess.

It's Bond! In Space!

Eric: Hey guys.