
I'll admit I do this a lot with craft beer.

Amazon has also decided to stop selling Chromecasts and Apple TV's after Oct. 29, which just comes off as a spiteful dick move.

Well his Communitaries for season 6 are on yahoo now (have been up for a while). Just watch them with an adblocker

Funny, he's talked about this before with his writers. Like, "how can we make a school shooting funny?" and it eventually led to the creation of the first paintball episode.

They need their own category for just Pho places. So many goddamn puns.

Don't forget the AVocado.

You wouldn't download a car.

I hope the Comedians in Cars can get a lifeboat out.

I just watched it, and honestly aside from the interview, which seemed to be overly dominated by Hart, it went by really well. It felt a bit faster paced than usual (even the intro voice seemed sped up) but I think for a first episode it went as smoothly as possible.

Same for his appearance on @Midnight as the Sanders character. You could tell the other comedians were getting annoyed at his constant interruptions. It was still a funny episode, but maybe because he was able to reigned-in a lot easier. Harmontown's loose format just allowed him to run free for too long.

Those Phil-is-a-dirtbad plotsodes were painful for me to watch, and actually became the reason I dropped the show. Is it worth picking back up?

And the unapologetic coattail riding of the Matrix's Propellerhead song (it probably wasn't made specifically for the Matrix, but damn if that isn't forever associated with it).

I'm not sure what trope it's usually appended to, but I could swear that "Sympathy for the Devil" is also close to being over-used.

I would like to add to this list John Murphy's "Adagio In D Minor"

So I have a technical question about The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. How the hell do I watch it tonight? I'm assuming it'll be available to watch on their website the next day, or maybe it'll be on Hulu (is CBS on Hulu?), but there's probably no way to watch it live unless if I cable subscription, correct?

Me and my roommates found 3 beautiful Eames molded fiberglass chairs at a consignment store once. They were selling for a surprising $100 a piece, and we couldn't resist since there were 3 of us, it was perfect.

I really wanted this show to be on legals streams on Hulu or anywhere! But downloading it seems like the more appropriate action, especially with those show titles.

True, half the time I can't a find a review for an artist or album that just came out.

This summer: Can't Feel My Face by The Weeknd