
You can check out but you can never leave. So, essentially he's stuck in the AVC lobby.

Trigger Mortis really does sound like a parody title for a Bond film.

As a first gen Mexican American, I'm sad to say this is the first Mexican film that I've seen that didn't involve Jesus. I loved it, and it was a truly beautifully shot film.

Especially when an episode gets an F.

It's true. I can't think of any other fun comment sections to hang out on the Internet.

There's always the subreddit…

Add some Com Truise tracks for some retrofuturistic retconning.

The AV Club
addicted to pop culture phrases

Internet, I'm not mad. Just… disappointed.

Nice catch on the song's remix artist. I'm really loving the music of this show.

I really like how they intersperse modern music into this show, especially that song in the end credits for this episode (Litmus by Howling).

Somebody's doing the Blarting.

Something is wrong when you'd rather see Trump as president before Kevin James.

I want to go to there

You want the Hershey's chocolate equivalent of weed in your edibles?

It looks like they just threw in some specked jelly beans into the box.

A.V. Club
Reply directly to the headline.

All of season 1 is on Netflix now.

I think love might be too strong of a word, but I was pleasantly surprised how much I enjoyed the show and the characters.