
I can barely conjure a more horrifying image than Jeff Dunham interacting with Tom Servo and Crow. Makes me appreciate Jonah's casting even more.

Odd that the comments for an article about Bill Cosby took a tangent to hate on Michael Ian Black of all people.

The ragingly positive tone of this article angered me as well. C'mon, AV Club, let's see some articles attacking this movie that hasn't finished filming yet!

To hell with the paranormal nonsense. I want to know if Sam Rockwell gets to dance in this movie.

Pretty sure that Bitch Went Nuts is meant ironically, to be critical of guys who don't understand women, don't accept any blame, and just claim that "the bitch went nuts" anytime a relationship goes south. But yeah, on the surface it does come across as really harsh and misogynistic. 

Oh shit. I seem to recall that the character being pursued by the hooded tentacle monster comes across a dog's corpse that has all of the flesh removed from its head. That shit scared the hell out of me as a ten year-old reading in a dark bedroom.

Oh shit. I seem to recall that the character being pursued by the hooded tentacle monster comes across a dog's corpse that has all of the flesh removed from its head. That shit scared the hell out of me as a ten year-old reading in a dark bedroom.

Am I the only one that thought they went out of the way to get Sarah and Chuck to have sex on the train while Sarah had the Intersect?  (Intersex, if you will?)  With that and all of the talk about making a baby…

Why the tiny pictures in this article?  I want to see the soccer hooligans and the phallic crotch-hose!  Do we have to visit the AV Club offices in order to fully appreciate these write-ups?

So we can all agree that my taste in music makes me cooler than my sister, right?

Wait… does the fact that she's a mother of three make her love of Motley Crue more respectable? It's not as though she became a fan AFTER becoming a mom. She loved shitty hair metal and every Camaro-driving dirtbag who blasted it from their stereo when we were growing up. I refuse to believe that it's cool now

You know something? I never thought of it like that. You make a good point. I kind of regret threatening to call Child Protective Services on her for exposing her kids to horrible music.

Was it ever cool?
Dear AV Club commenters,