
A really stupid fraud case. Dali was gay, a homosexual who loved being dominated and beaten about by his fearsome wife, Gala. Extremely fucking repressed and neurotic about sexuality (but he loooved publicity).

China is huge. Comparatively, saying mountain-top Tibet composes "35 percent of China " is fucking ridiculous. OH AND ALSO China doesn't own Tibet, despite their ferocious war against it and absolutely hideous human rights abuses China has committed , brutalizing people and torturing in jails. No really, what

All well said. And Veep really is off in its own universe. Reality is surreal enough these days, I have sympathy for the writers on this show. A challenging thing, I believe it was mostly filmed before the election in November.

Okay, thanks! After a few drinks I'm not very bright.. I'm fucking.. brilliant.

I hear what you mean, it's true, and Alec Baldwin agrees with you. Trump is just such a non-stop flowing river of bullshit, it's impossible even for daily news commentary to keep up. It defeats satire when reality is already so weird. It did seem to be getting tired every week.


I don't think he gives a fuck. He's not getting millions to be Trump on SNL, the pay is notoriously cheap there. He really is doing this as a favor.

"Trump In Prison" could make for a really great recurring sketch.

I love Tilda Swinton, but this movie seems annoyingly high-minded and preachy. "Satire" by humorless but stylish people fashion magazines love to write about. Because those of us who eat meat really are terrible, aren't we. I could be wrong and this film is delightful!

That was a pip of an article. Not surprising though. Curious bits I liked: That Weekly World News, home of Bat Boy, was started sheerly to make use of the black-and-white printing presses after the Enquirer moved to color.

Thre really are dozens of different British accents. Dozens of American ones too, but many have been flattened out by US mass media for over a half century. Like how local news anchors in NYC never have a Noo Yawk accent, are never actually from there, but the sports guys are allowed to have traditional NYC

Funnily though, when they try to do an "American" accent, a Texas twang is nearly always what they go for. Or a nasal Valley Girl accent. Basically, whatever accent is maximally insulting and stupid-sounding is the one they always go for.

how come I can't send my 4 year-old to go work in the fucking mines anymore?

Let's make this simple: vaccinations have been scientifically proven to be massively effective, a triumph for science and humanity, common diseases like polio have been erased from common misery, including in your adopted country, India. Why you are splitting hairs to sow doubt about this fact escapes me.

I find it weird that you think it's cool to make one's kids risk illness and death because you forbid them to "interact much with the rest of society." Maybe if those kids grow up and escape from the log cabin in the woods that you think is a fine way to raise kids, they contract adult measles and die.

A great piece by Oliver. Vaccines were a fucking triumph for science and the human race. Before vaccines and medicine and science, human life was a litany of misery, illness and death. Aside from no contraception and a lack of women's rights, people would have as many kids as they could because they'd probably lose

"Catherine- America doesn't like you. It's not that you're unlikeable. It's just that there's this perception you're unlikeable,"

Selina at the "spa" could have been funnier. The set-up was all there, she was highly tranquilized, they could have gone full AbFab (perhaps with drool), but it was pretty decorous. Selina being rude to Marjorie is never not funny though.

In the last finale China surrendered like 35% of its landmass (Tibet)

The character of Amy got short shrift this season. When we saw her, she was always the frantic, frazzled cartoon she is, there's no depth or shading or subtlety. Always angry and freaking out. They could have served that character, and Chlumsky, better.