
Yeah, this show I have loved since the beginning needs one more season to but then put it to bed for good. I hope they fire all the current writers. Because they are terrible. Dialogue this season seems to be written by recently graduated Ivy League fratboys who think they're funny.

I don't think it's a commercial, the writer is upfront that it's a paid junket PR thing, which are really common. The hotel wants to be written about, he gets a night or whatever of nice service from apparently very nice staff. He obviously tried to be fair to them, saying what he liked and a lot he didn't care for,

Isis, my condolences about your father- that's very recent, my sympathies.

re: Fatal Attraction: " So why would Michael Douglas' Dan ever choose Alex over Beth?" -well, he didn't and never would. Businessmen having affairs in the bustling anonymous city and then going home to their wives in the suburbs* is an ancient thing. Countless films, books, tv shows describing this. Anyway, I

Apparently they are (now) interviewing Newtown parents, I read today. Which they should have done from the beginning, but Jones's attacks on Kelly is why they are apparently making it extra-adversarial to him. So I've read.

I read today that they are actually now interviewing Sandy Hook parents for the segment. Apparently what's driven them to do this isn't basic journalism, more like revenge for Jones's attacks on Kelly. Like, now they are making it really adversarial and negative towards him. Which is fine, but the whole idea of

I know a little German. He's sitting over there..

The Information Superhighway is what the cool kids call it now. I read that somewhere. You can even print things from it now.

Ok, imagine the movie without her then. No one's talking about "lead role" or star billing. Just imagine Karen, her character, narration, presence erased from the movie. Remove every scene where Karen appears. You wouldn't have the fucking movie that Goodfellas is.

My brother had and has always had it. As kids sharing a room he snored very loudly, and there would be these alarming pauses where he wasn't breathing at all- for like, a minute at a time. More than once I woke him to make sure he was ok, because it was worrying. Now, many years later, he sleeps with a mask and a

Most of the "stunning roles for women" are unhappy wives or sexual partners, and seem to exist merely to illuminate the male characters.

I gotcha now, and I agree. Referring to my previous response to which you kindly replied. :)

What's absurd is your trying to deny that Bracco's Karen was a major character, and an unforgettable one in the role. We entered the whole world of that film in large part through Karen's eyes, and her narration. Her romance with Henry, her entrance into his world with its strange and brutal but alluring customs

Ok, thanks- sorry if I misunderstood, I was actually more musing aloud and discussing.. didn't mean my whole spiel to seem arguing with you , sorry if it did. Best to you.

Agree, but why should that be Scorsese's job? To change the culture etc. he makes movies about what he knows. Some great, some terrible. (I hated Wolf of Wall St.)

She really ought to know better, being surrounded by rotten creeps at Fox. On the other hand, she was such a star there and so deferred to, in that climate-controlled environment so to speak, it wouldn't surprise me that she'd ever consider that anyone would double-cross her. Maybe she's not that savvy. Very

Yep, and I don't feel sorry for millionairess Megyn Kelly, nor for NBC with this botch-job PR fiasco, they deserve all the bad press. I read yesterday that NBC insiders were/are panicked at the stinkingly bad publicity- I mean, when Sandy Hook parents are imploring you and you defy their wishes- and people at the

I only went once, to a friend of my brother's bachelor party. It was in Queens. And uh, interesting, but the alcohol helped. Anyway this blonde Loni Anderson type very nicely asked if I wanted a private dance, or a lap dance (don't remember which, but I remember it was $50). And I nicely said, no thank you, I'm gay.

True, but he looks just like Cunanan?

He's a cranky-ass guy who has knives coming out of his hands, which he uses to stab and slash people, constantly. Oh, but they deserve it. Oh but he's also brooding and tough and macho. Almost forty years of this character and he's still as deep as cardboard.