
I think Lilandra would be a perfect role for an Asian actress, not a pale redhead, especially in a movie about another redheaded woman.
Lilandra was meant to be "exotic", as a space empress should be, and I know it's not correct to attach exoticism to Asian persons, she's a mythical character whose gestalt would be

It is pretty funny to think about; a character who's been in every fucking X-movie, who is only recognizable when she's naked, currently played by one of the most visible movies stars in the world, a character whose story has been told and told and done to death.. is somehow called Mystique. There ain't no mystique

There is a dramatic moment where Jean asserts herself and asks Logan to kill her. But he hesitates and she blasts him away, the moment is lost. Ultimately, as Fritzoid describes, she definitely and intentionally commits suicide, for the good of the galaxy.

Was it asparagus people? Think you're right, I just wrote broccoli people. Oh well, they are both delicious after being roasted at high heat. Thanks, Jean!

Lilandra wasn't a villain at all. Early on she might have fought the X-Men, but they fought tons of opponents that weren't necessarily enemies (thinking of Alpha Flight). Lilandra was Xavier's intergalactic lover, and after Dark Phoenix was devouring stars and an inhabited planet, she had to act as Empress, even

Claremont's a British perv, John Byrne's the Canadian perv.

True, they want the big names, to our detriment. Because I am so. Sick and tired of. Mystique. Done to death, and I never found her that interesting to begin with. They have this whole universe of cool characters from the X-books to play with. It ain't right, and my hopes for them doing Dark Phoenix properly are

One of the great rock n' roll muses. (And I refuse to hear that being a muse is somehow demeaning, as some might say; no, they are vital and have power, they inspire.) Anita helped the Stones to attain worldly sophistication, she "cultivated" them in a lot of ways. They were boys, before. Such an interesting

And before that she flooded the airwaves..with Sunshine!
Casey Kasem here, stay tuned for more America's Top 40!

This is known, they have been filming the Versace story for two months now. The Daily Mail has been filled with spoilery images from the production for a while now. Anyway, I'll watch for sure. The casting alone looks impeccable.

A couple of years ago I read about how Chinese buyers snapped up houses in some affluent suburban enclave on Long Island. Houses that were investments that no one would ever live in. But lawn maintenance is a big deal in suburbia, and after complaints, the Chinese buyers wanted to pave over their lawns with blacktop

Agree muchly that a JLA movie should just jump in with a great action story, forget the origin story baggage. We don't need it, just make a kick-ass fun movie. Because when we all started reading comics, whatever title you picked, you were jumping right into the story that was ongoing, there was no beginning and no

Hell's bells, I would not recognize Trudy Campbell from that photo up top.

In 2010, a rare sheet of 10 stamps showing her smoking in Tiffany’s went for about £380,000 at an auction in Berlin.

In terms of mass fascination and interest, there is nothing more pop culture than Trump and what's up with him day by day right now. He's a reality television star, and his is the reality show we're all living in.

Just said above, having separate bedrooms for husband and wife is an old English and American upper class thing. If you have the space, you do that. Considering how many marriages in the English upper classes were ones of transaction and not necessarily affection, it makes sense. JFK and Jackie had separate

I don't think so. Jackie and JFK didn't share a bedroom; it's kind of an old upper-class thing that husbands and wives have their own. Not that Trump has any class at all. But I think he and Melania haven't shared a bedroom for a long time. It probably suits him as well as her.

It's kind of a depressing picture. The gloom at dusk, two candles. Someone on Twitter said that Melania probably didn't come up with that corny sentiment herself. The picture is a cry for help.

It really does seem like some psychological horror movie, from Melania's point of view. Being forced to move into the fishbowl of the WH, your every movement observed, with a mentally unstable temperamental husband you loathe who also happens to be the most powerful man in the world. The antique clocks in the WH

Oh my god, yeah. The White House will seem mightily small and claustrophobic- the windows don't even open, for security reasons. Being trapped in there during a hot humid DC summer with a crazy raging angerbear husband sounds pretty awful.