
It actually seems perfect for her, a minor role on a British TV series that may or may not be good, but whatever. It's lower stakes, lower pressure than US tv. Where critics would probably eat her alive, because we're all supposed to be mocking and mad at Lohan for some reason no one can remember.

"The Apricot Ashtray" is what she's called at DListed.

Also, her show is up against 60 Minutes. Which beat her last episode with a rerun.

It was dumb, not least because it had, "..partner is diagnosed with AIDS at the beginning of the epidemic in the late ‘80s" The beginning of the epidemic was Spring 1981, not the late 80s, and anyone who doesn't know this basic fact shouldn't be paid for writing wrong shit.

He wasn't ever offered the Bond role though. His being American was a step too far, it seems. Agree with the rest though, a great life and RIP.

Agree heartily when it comes to book sales- for many many years now, books like Ann Coulter's or Bill O's or any right wing creep of some reknown somehow soars to number one on the NYT list, then drops off forever, and then they cost 99 cents at a Walmart in Arkansas, by the ton.

Purposeful. Tom Hardy always acts like he doesn't want stardom- "Just a working actor, mate." But he doesn't seem to mind a bit of attention, and he knows we're going to comment on those weird pants-cuffs. Bringing a bit of pizazz.

I hear you, and I'm impressed and touched how many younger people really love him for his voiceover work. I'm really glad they appreciate him. And I'm happy he appreciated that acclaim, because he really spent 30 years in the professional desert before that happened. As someone who feels immense regret about

Going out at 88 after a not -too -long battle with illness.. it's understandable. It's a good long life. It sucks we all have to face it one day, we and our loved ones. Nature gives and takes. 88 is a good run, and RIP Mr. West.

Well said- we have no way of knowing if West could be successful in "serious" roles, because he was never given a chance. I am on the side of thinking he really could have been. But as you say, prejudice against TV actors back then was fierce and horrible in a way that's hard to fathom now.

too bad that Robert Reed didn't live long enough to embrace his Mr Brady-ness the way these two did their iconic roles.

Who wouldn't want Adam West's career? You've got to respect someone who was so successful, but seemed to keep his humility and sense of humor.

"(Apparently I won't be able to make those kinds of comments when Kinja comes. "

I loved Julie Newmar, but I also loved Eartha Kitt in the role, as a kid she scared the shit out of me, because she seemed like she really wanted to kill Batman. I guess I watched it as a documentary basically when I was five.

loss of ad revenue isn’t the end of the world for the site. The company gets at least some of its funding from investors and donors—including conservative tech billionaire Robert Mercer, who invested $11 million in Breitbart back in 2011—

I think he will get off (npi) too, alas. But I was just saying to someone today that I was wrong about the Brexit vote, wrong about Trump's winning, wrong about the UK election yesterday. Hope I'm wrong again.

Not coming out til Christmas. Christmas 2018. Insane how they start doing promotions for films so far in advance. Many times a movie will finally come out and I would swear I thought it had premiered a year earlier.

He's been doing that for months now, and though I am a devoted reader of Charlie Pierce, I must have missed if he ever explained the asterisk. Charlie's also a longtime sports writer, and maybe it refers to athletes who set records, but then it's found they cheated by doping, and "there will always be an asterisk

Yes, I do know that he admitted that he would have voted for Hillary Clinton, which is extremely fucking weak sauce, since I am actually proud and happy to say that I affirmatively did vote for her without the shame Andrew expresses uselessly. He wants another medal, as if it was a brave declaration, Andrew wants a

Really sad that Trump's older brother seemed like an actually good guy, somewhat thoughtful and conscientious. And an empathetic person who had his troubles with alcoholism but also with his legacy being from that family. I'm forgetting at the moment whether it was the New Yorker or the NYTimes Magazine where the