
Yeah, that "cool" and "Okay" conversation was the best/funniest of the whole episode. As if it's not bad enough an American computer is needed for intelligence, the operators can't help speaking American

It's kind of absurd that his motivations are in question. Clearly his mother's transplant is being presented as a motivator as exemplified in his original recruitment, the interaction with the handler in which they're stringing him along, the scene in which her health is in question, even escalating it all by

All you all, please keep it up with your translation comments. I was super curious about the the "live wire" / "lively wire" translation since that clearly seemed have lost something. Everything else you said is gravy, and I'm genuinely interested

Agreed on the crispness. I'm just too lazy to google this but I'm assuming they're using the same FPS/encoding system as British TV, right? Or at least something that's different enough from American TV to be noticeable.

Yeah, it certainly wasn't a major point of the story there was just a general faithfulness to mundane parallels between East and West- they drink coffee, the general drinks coffee (but better), the same song plays "everywhere", one family has a BBQ, the other family has a BBQ.

Sorry to be a stickler, but it was coffee they drugged him with, right?

I gotta lotta love for The Luggage from Discworld. Who wouldn't want an insanely protective, sentient trunk that hoofs all your possessions, magically does your laundry and can find you anywhere, any time in the multiverse?

Does anybody know if Canadian TV in general (and "Continuum" specifically) make efforts at diversifying cast? It's not the main reason I watch it but it seems like at least half that cast are minorities.

Not that I disagree, but he was also saying this back in 2011 on the Nerdist Writer's Panel episode 15. He also makes some cogent off the cuff remarks about the difference between comedy and cleverness. Worth a listen

I prefer Meowminos. Such a tiny pizza, though. To us just a cheese cookie

Anybody remember Dorn reading the fable of the little red hen on Kino's Storytime? It was…very sedate

This episode really resonated with me upon watching but the PTSD connection hadn't clicked until reading this review (which skirts actually identifying the issue while also naming all the symptoms, subtle and gross).

My first thought, also. But I guess if we dipped into one hour dramas we'd have to contend with Dick Whitman, Heisenberg, Arya Stark's Nymeria, various characters from Star Trek and…

I'm a little surprised this episode got such a positive review. This was one of the few eps I'd never seen when I revisited DS9 a year or two ago and it seemed pretty hamstrung by bad acting and 90s social commentary. To be fair, a lot of the clumsiness is built into the medium and conventions of genre and TV of the

I'm a little surprised this episode got such a positive review. This was one of the few eps I'd never seen when I revisited DS9 a year or two ago and it seemed pretty hamstrung by bad acting and 90s social commentary. To be fair, a lot of the clumsiness is built into the medium and conventions of genre and TV of the

How is it no one has commented that the opening motif from Joran's piece is the same as *SPOILERS* the repeating motif that drives the Final Five crazy in BSG (before it just turns into All Along the Watchtower)? *END SPOILERS*

How is it no one has commented that the opening motif from Joran's piece is the same as *SPOILERS* the repeating motif that drives the Final Five crazy in BSG (before it just turns into All Along the Watchtower)? *END SPOILERS*

re: Fun with ADR, whenever the dubbing on this show (and Burn Notice) burns your ear for credibility it almost always does seem to be for more or less expendable practical points. One wonders if these occurrences are purely at network (or otherwise non-writing staff) behest.

re: Fun with ADR, whenever the dubbing on this show (and Burn Notice) burns your ear for credibility it almost always does seem to be for more or less expendable practical points. One wonders if these occurrences are purely at network (or otherwise non-writing staff) behest.

This is going to seem like a dickish stickler comment but bear with me: