
I feel like this letter grade of this review should be reevaluated, considering the reviewer totally missed that the resolution of the "mystery" dovetails very neatly with the Blaine through-line (Lt. shooting the kidnapper after she'd dropped her gun, making up a false rationale for the kidnappings (occultism), and

Pretty sure Kate McKinnon's "hackneyed Latina voice" is actually a (pretty funny and not-too-off) mock Spanish accent… as in, from Spain, where Penelope Cruz and Cecilia Gimenez, the people she was impersonating, are from. That lisp she does is specific to the Spanish accent, where cs and zs are pronounced as lisps.

Pretty sure Kate McKinnon's "hackneyed Latina voice" is actually a (pretty funny and not-too-off) mock Spanish accent… as in, from Spain, where Penelope Cruz and Cecilia Gimenez, the people she was impersonating, are from. That lisp she does is specific to the Spanish accent, where cs and zs are pronounced as lisps.