
Now I'm intrigued: why didn't people in the UK watch it?

Now I'm intrigued: why didn't people in the UK watch it?

I agree that the stage show is a bit too long. But I love the Schulz/Schneider story. Choked me up every night.

As someone who's played Sally: the answer is no. In the show Sally is English. Cliff (the Brian character) is American.
It would be a big deal to change it because their respective nationalities are mentioned many times in the script.

The "full of life, and love" line is just some dumb copy written for the trailer. It doesn't really reflect whats going on in the movie at all.

I saw it on broadway many years ago. The acting was terrific but I just wanted them to stop being assholes to each other.

I'm about halfway through the book and it's making me increasingly stabby. Should I just give up now? I suppose from your comment your answer would be yes.

I read that as Al Swearengen and spent half a minute trying to remember that episode of Deadwood.

Wait, what is Memento a remake of? 

Wait, what is Memento a remake of?