
They'll have a mighty battle but then put aside differences to join forces against the Den of Deadbeat Dads!

How about a verbal fight between two fight guys about where a prisoner is hidden on a plane when there is only one spot where he would be held. But don't make there verbal fisticuffs too clever, they're fight guys not languagers.

Delts Boulderfist

I recall Pavement as one of the band names dropped in that Best Buy ad where the guy's sister tells him not to spend all his college loan on Best Buy' s excellent and expansive CD section.

Book Reviewers Hate Him

Does this sound like the actions of a man who got "all he could eat?"

And then the crowd chants, "DENTAL PLAN!"

Come to Texas where Calvin prays on the backs of pickups and the food is great. Then get the fuck out to someplace sane.

Is fancy a term that applies to a mascot with a mohawk?

My brother stills calls me and does the voices. He called my last month while he was deployed telling me he was Frank Rizzo R-I-Z-Z-O.

The local PBS has a Downton Abbey after show called Manor of Speaking.

And 20 (!) cycles of America's Next Top Model

He's a two time Oscar nominee! Somehow!

We'll get that big guy from HBO's Rome to do it.

I'd argue that both are in their prime now. Cutberth of Happy Endings looks better than Girl Next Door. Also, Hayden looks like an adult now.

Same thing when I showed my kids Speed. It should have been called The Bus That Couldn't Slow Down All That Cursing.

Cruising'! Cruising' the WOOOOOORRRRLLLLD!

TV theme songs don't usually last 6 hours Beck got into a serious thing, man.

And Willow Smith as Bane

What? C'mon. What? C'mon.