I live in Houston so saying fuck Dallas is as normal as breathing in incredibly humid air.
I live in Houston so saying fuck Dallas is as normal as breathing in incredibly humid air.
30? More like 7 Pounds!
Smashed managed to limp to full seasons but NBC can be very skittish about what they percieve to be underperformers. Frankl, if they kept thing stabl like CBS, they.d at least have more viewees overall. CBS usually allows there stinkers to play themselves out. I can see NBC killing this ealier than any other new…
Ladies pinch. Whores use rouge.
Agent Armday Lecter
Agent Dewan Myselfin
I'm 34 and my youngest just started high school. I don't need to see Lorraine McFly from the alternate 1985 dancing a tango to How Bizarre to know I'm old as fuck. I have my teens snickering at how I mispronounce the crap they look at on their phones for that.
…boring? Yes, I agree.
I have. It's very similar to all the rest of the stuff you'd get at a cajun meat place. Basically, it's a boneless bird stuffed with another boneless bird and another. Sometimes it has rice or ettouffe. It's as great as anything baked to crisp on the outside and seasoned in crab boil powder. It's not as good as nice…
Is it because Bender's Hencho en Mexico?
Zooey Bin Laden?
Empire State Building where they ended Sleepless in Seattle. Seattle. Seattle Supersonics. Sonics. Friday. Fry day. The answer is simple! The terrorists want our Sonic fries and plan to blow up New York with an Oreo Blast! It's almost too simple.
Sir Issac Who Who?!
C Date? Is this a roofie based dating site?
For that split second they looked away. [smoke drag] And he'd do it again.
Check Youtube for the ending or the latest Blu Ray. It's nifty but kind of a bummer.
I saw a man washing his face over an enormous ass.
I've resistted this show after seeing the pilot's openning montage and saying, "Nah, I had enough of the 80's. Then I caught the cold open of this episode and said, "Oh shit, is this secretly a good show." You never hear people talking about this show.
The creepy puppet thing on the credits was the final nail in the coffin. Da da da da [puppet footsteps] da da da da. Shudder