Stingo the Bandana Origami Pro

I think there's only so many times in my life that I'm going to have this opportunity to introduce someone else to a life-changing work of art, so I'm not going to blow it. I'll just link you to the Calvin & Hobbes collection and implore you to read it. Really, just dig in and browse and enjoy.

I mostly agree with this? But the positives outweight the negatives for me. Each song (except "Days Are Gone", the lone truly bum track) has at least something to recommend it, from the great blues riff of "My Song 5" to the hook of "Falling" to, well, every second of "The Wire". B+ here.

If it were anyone but you, roobles, I'd figure they were joking. I never can tell with you, though, which means you've truly mastered the roobles spirit.

NBC's idea seemed like it wouldn't be too far from the truth, but I like this nicely anticlimactic reason better.

Close. John Calvin.

if you don't know Hobbes you're dead to me

Oddly enough, that's what everyone who eats me says.

Where does "Chuck" come from?

Some of us at least try to engage people on a personal level.

[grabs ball of yarn] I'm set.

Not really! [dramatically pulls turkey off self] I WAS THE STUFFING ALL ALONG

He pops in every once in a while. Just, uh, not as frequently as he used to. I think he just lurks now.

You're welcome.

Too bad Dylan McDermott the Friendly Neighborhood Sociopath narced on Third Hostage Taker Who's Tall. I don't know if we'll see him again.

persllonasll quirk

Nicolas Buttface Cumberbund

I just realized I'm 6.5 episodes into Hostages and still don't know any characters' names (except Sandrine, apparently, but that's cheating).

you gon' be fine

Classic Tinychat: Who Said It? blunder!