Stingo the Bandana Origami Pro

I'm saving this for my eventual return to hosting Would You Rather?

Tinychat: Who Said It? (seriously, we need a CBB-esque theme song for this or something)

You could also spot 6 as being an S4 episode due to the slightly lower quality of the screencap— no offense, of course, Lloyd. Your efforts in fishsticking a season that has, so far, gone woefully under-'sticked are noted, and in tribute I might start trying to work more S4 'sticks into posts.

[raises arm like a total badass]

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if after that happened the director shrugged and said "fuck it, we'll do it live," only to discover hours later that those weren't rehearsals he was filming.

I think that Hostages changing a character's name from Maria to Sandrine (the name of the actress) because another actor called her by her real name pretty much sums this show up. Absolutely no one gives a shit.

If you liked those, you should check out The Woman Who Powders Herself. glaz recommended it and it's really great.

Actually, I've seen Monkeys and King, but never FaL. I should do that sometime.

It's pretty great, in his/her defense. I can see the Vertigo connection, too.

It's also probably the closest I've seen to a true comic book on film. The use of the still images to convey movement and action is straight out of comics.

It's been long enough since I've seen 12 Monkeys that I didn't make the connection till I read it on the Wikipedia page. I might have to watch that soon; I remember enjoying it well enough.

I found out about and watched a short film called La Jetée today. It's an interesting post-apocalypse/time travel story told nearly entirely through the use of still photographs and voiceover, as the director could only afford a camera for one afternoon (and what he uses the brief amount of live-action for is one of

I would be less concerned about admitting you rented from Blockbuster and more about admitting you rented Cops and Robbersons.

They're free! Free at last!

Really? That's four avatar doppeldeaners I've had now!


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