SoCal Distortion

@Bakken Hood: The terminology can get a little convoluted. The term "broadsword" is associated with pre-15thC straight bladed, double edged swords, but the term applies to any such sword regardless of the era. A broadsword is any straight double edge sword used primarily for cutting/thrusting. What most people

"for years" - need more coffee.

No, it actually bothered me for too, until I started getting into collecting (I have 3 basket hilts from the 18th/19th C.) and research. Consider me schooled as well.

Wasn't there an episode written by Larry Niven incorporating elements of his Known Space/Ringworld stuff? I seem to remember that being pretty cool. It has been many, many years since I've seen any episodes, so I can't really say how TAS holds up.

You want pedantry? The classic basket hilt shown in the episode was technically a broadsword, not a sabre. Also, while the term "claymore" specifically refers to the two-handed Scottish sword that pretty much died out in the 17th Century, the subsequent basket hilts were commonly referred to as claymores in

Kinkade Went to Cal?
On behalf of my alma mater, I offer a sincere apology to you all. Also to anyone who took Cal and the points against Oregon.

Time After Time!

The "Hooks?" Do they have a one-armed pirate as a mascot?


Well, it's not like we Kaleefornians would have noticed he was gone.

But much easier to pull off than Mark Eaton.

Because you're a stumpy, balding English footballer?

2009 will be the biggest year in history, box office wise. Around $10 billion in the U.S. Transformers :Revenge of Michael Bay has done $850 million worldwide. Expensive films routinely make huge profits. Hell, inexpensive films make huge profits (See: The Hangover, The Blind Side etc.). Hollywood is very much

We should all be so star-crossed - they've been married for 20 years.

I don't think the original Bellona was ever heard from again after the Lux Interior beat-down. This is the 2nd or 3rd Bellona impersonator, for God only knows why.

I found Eaters of the Dead (aka The 13th Warrior) a pretty cool take on Beowulf. I pretty much gave up on him after Disclosure.

Sea monsters would have made Cutthroat Island much, much better.

A Bill Walton schtick? Oh joy.

Yeah, 1K means 100K miles traveled annually. I might have been a touch too harsh on flying earlier in this thread. I still generally enjoy travel, I just shake my head at romanticizing airports, commercial jets and the rest. I'm lucky or unlucky enough to have most of my travel be long-haul, so I don't have to spend