
Can I take you out for dinner and talk about Svenkmajer and Brothers Quay? Either/or?

No joy doing division

It is seriously great if you're a fan. I can see how it can be frustrating if you just dabble in Pulp

Is HBO yanking your chain? First you report that the Wire will be shown on HBO in glorious HD and now this? Your HBO CI is unreliable, folks.

I still buy CD's. I subscribe to Spotify but can't connect it to my amp so if I like an album I buy it on CD. Thought about switching to vinyl but it's an expensive hobby as I would need to start shelling out serious money for good pressings. The downside of low CD sales is that it's getting harder to find good stuff

FYI, this was filmed in my hometown of Belgrade. As was Coriolanus.

BBC's documentary about krautrock has Iggy slicing a coconut somewhere in Florida while musing on Kraftwerk's Radioactivity.

TPORT is a sexist fantasy in the best sense of the word.

Little essence of nightshade does the miracle.

I didn't ask for Santana "Abraxas." I didn't listen to Santana "Abraxas."

She survives as a character in Jonathan Lethem's latest novel.

Who says that contemporary Germans do not feel tremenduos guilt over the war? Try wearing a swastika in downtown Berlin and you'll see what kinds of troubles you will be in. Deservedly so, of course.

I'm more of a dub whore but here are my picks for roots:

I was just at Home Depot on White Horse Pike on Sunday to buy a smoke alarm that starting chirping the other morning. How far we've come since the 20's.

According to Laura Palmer's diaries, Bob has visited her multiple times before in her bedroom. Bob is a projection of her tortured mind which could not accept that it was her own father who abused her.

Lizzy Caplan in a Showtime show? I'd watch that.

The question is: nu-jazz v. nu-metal

I'd add When Joanna Loved Me

I Refnuse to watch any more Refn movies unless they have something off of Tilt as a soundtrack.

Kiss of Death would be comparable thematically to BB as an example of a classic noir