
Even if it does, it will likely fall hard in its second week. This movie has to make Force Awakens-type money in order to turn a profit.

Even if it does, it will likely fall hard in its second week. This movie has to make Force Awakens-type money in order to turn a profit.

My original reply here is not showing up, so I'll repeat: "retarded" in this sense does not mean "mentally handicapped". Also, you should go watch This is Spinal Tap.

OK. Put it this way. If given a choice, I don't want to get my news from either of these bozos.

I'm gonna go ahead say it: Rob Zombie is underrated and unfairly maligned. What he directs doesn't always work (Halloween) but sometimes it really does (The Devil's Rejects, Halloween II). I didn't love Lords of Salem, but I appreciated what he went for, and some of it was truly beautiful and horrific. I'm always

Don't feed the troll.

Very true. That ship has sailed. He had that opportunity to change career tracks and branch out a bit. When Punch-Drunk Love "didn't connect with audiences" (and by "didn't connect", I mean didn't make $150M), he went back to poopy jokes. He's a chicken-shit.

I recall seeing The Waterboy in a packed theater with my ex-girlfriend back in the late 90s. I cringed the whole time. The audience meanwhile ate up the "comedy" on screen with glee. With the exception of Punch-Drunk Love, it remains the only movie of his that I have sat through. I think he's one of the most worthless

Don't be sorry. Just read the book. It's great, and the zombies aren't swarms of ants.

Have a Coke and a pube.

I don't think it's ever going to happen. Everyone seems to have moved on, and Heifitz and McKinnon both live in Australia now. I suppose anything is possible, but even Dunn has said that there's no fucking way.

If you read this review aloud in a Ben Stein drawl, it's more palatable.

"What a movie! A minus."

Save that money and give it to David Lynch for Twin Peaks!

I could see that as a concern, but again, I don't think he would do it just because that's all there is out there. And I'm sure Twin Peaks has always felt unfinished to him (especially if it's true that he intended the movies to be a trilogy). This seems like a situation where the stars seem to have aligned.

I agree, though maybe Lara Flynn looking how she does now could be a good thing depending on what Lynch has in mind. I saw the two hanging out at an event a couple years ago, so I wouldn't be surprised if Lynch went back to Boyle.

She'll be in it, as will Ray Wise and Sheryl Lee. Watch "Between Two Worlds" on the blu-ray set. I feel like a lot of people haven't seen it yet. When I first saw it, I thought "Jeez, it really seems like Lynch is playing with the idea of a Twin Peaks return." I feel like there are some clues in it that will tell you

Yes, it's a must. Then watch the movie. And if you're still interested after that, watch the FWWM deleted scenes and the "Between Two Worlds" that Lynch filmed last year.

Yeah, there was no way to return without Coop. And if they go to Deer Meadow, I would expect Harry Dean to show up, hopefully still drinking Good Morning America! Aside from Harry Dean, I'd also like a return of Chris Isaak, and of course, David Bowie as the the long lost Philip Jeffries. If they're going to delve

That was a theory? I am fairly certain that is a fact.