
I started having a sinking feeling about 20 minutes in that this wasn't going to work, and I've loved everything PTA has done up till now. And I agree: that chick who played Shasta was fucking dreadful. Up to this point, I didn't think it was possible to be so bored by a beautiful naked woman.

Saw INHERENT VICE yesterday. Hugely disappointed by it, and I've loved everything PTA's done up to this point. Bored to tears, and a couple moments aside, not at all funny. I'll check out this podcast, but wow, that movie was a bummer.


It has moments, but not as good as the original. No fucking way. And you can put that on Underhill.

I am making a comment about people making comments in anticipation of people making comments about Lena Dunham!

"Last Man Standing is a great show"

I thought it had a few problems, but overall, I thought it was great. And newsflash: THE DARK KNIGHT is not a problem-free movie!

Hayden Christensen here is right. BRING BACK GEORGE LUCAS!

"Rapidly sinking ship"? I would say cable has taken a hit, but consider this: last night's episode was HBO's highest rated show since the Sopranos finale in 2007, I'm not sure they're really sweating not having you as a customer, and I not quite sure how they're being "bested" by Netflix. .


Yep, I misread. Dammit! But maybe you're right. And nothing is worse than The Following.

I'm looking forward to this. Rob Zombie is hit-or-miss, but seeing how much NBC lets Hannibal push the envelope, this has a shot at being good. And I'm glad to see Duchovny doing something other than the played-out Californication.

Let's not start sucking each other's dicks just yet.

Yeah but Beck is fucking awesome, and I totally want to bang Peggy on Mad Men.

Tim Roth is a shitty actor? Have you ever seen Rob Roy?

I prefer treading water in a sea of retarded sexuality and bad poetry.

Correct. It takes place between the Brit and another chick.

I already forgot about that one. As did America. And I'm sure if you asked Ford about it, he'd have no fucking idea what you were talking about.

"He’s spent most of his career fighting aliens, yet he still knows a turd when he’s seen one."

Man, no one ever brings that one up. Such a fucking piece of shit movie. I've read he's really ashamed of it. Then again, Matthew McConaughey has TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE: THE NEXT GENERATION.