
I think it's called "WMA", not "Policeman", but oh well, whatever, nevermind.

Ukulele jokes are OK, however.

But will I only be able to buy this album at Target?

Is Bieber the new Piss Christ?

Filth Pig is also terribly underrated.

I love Kirsten Dunst (see: MELANCHOLIA), but never liked her as Mary Jane. Never liked Maguire as Peter Parker, either. They got the chemistry finally right in the last one, but unfortunately, almost everything else wrong.

And the booze. And the crack. And the meth.

Regardless of the prequels, George Lucas still directed STAR WARS. Zack Snyder has not and will not direct anything that comes remotely close to that. Ever.

Amy Adams in second half of movie:

I agree that THE HOBBIT is overstretched, but it's certainly not awful, and I understand the reasoning for giving it more time. As it stands, it's a lower-stakes story compared to LOTR, and most of the "extra bullshit" Jackson has added is all lifted from Tolkien's appendices, and I think helps tell a bigger (and

It's not just worse. It's wort.

Any good quotes from the blu-ray? I just watched it myself (horrible as all clip shows are). S3 was worth buying, but while there are a few great and several good eps in S2, it's not enough to make me buy the pricey BD set. I just watched them on Amazon Prime.

Yes, but I think ALICE IN WONDERLAND may be worse.

Batman Returns is fucking dreadful. No.

There's zero talks about it because the Tolkien estate has The Silmarillion rights locked up until 2058 or something. Christopher Tolkien hates the movies and Peter Jackson. I would love to see it, however. I find the stories within The Silmarillion much more interesting than The Hobbit.

All of the snow scenes? I'm sure some of them are, but some of that shit looks very set.


Agreed 100% about Fat Fuck wandering around the fake snow sets. Boring storyline with boring characters, with absolutely zero stakes.

If that's a spoiler, thanks a lot, Fuck-Face.

A bit cliche, but for me, it's a tie: Madonna, the "Like a Virgin" VMA performance in 1984 and Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia in the RETURN OF THE JEDI metal bikini. The latter was more, "Wow, what's this?!" excitement, and the former was my first "I'm not sure I should be watching this" feeling.