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Agreed, but that was a long time ago. I used to love him, but it's been quite some time since this guy starred in anything worth a damn.

I hated his DAWN OF THE DEAD as well. I pretty much hate any running zombie movie except the original RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD, which is more comedy/genre spoof anyway. I don't count the 28 DAYS LATER films as those are infected people, not zombies.

Okay, okay, they're better than Chickenfoot. I dunno, I just wasn't wowed by them. Sue me.

I like a lot of Pantera's material, so it's unfortunate that Phil Anselmo is a dirtbag homophobic racist piece of garbage.

Two words: Damon Lindelof. See also: PROMETHEUS.

Sulu's tan leather jacket in Star Trek III FTW.


OK, works now. Thanks!

Can't believe how much hate these guys are getting on here. Admittedly, I wasn't much of a fan of these guys before this album (kind of hit or miss for me), but Modern Vampires is out-of-this-world good. If you'd told me a week ago that the album I'd be most excited about this summer was not the new Daft Punk release

They also probably didn't want to be associated with the terrible Julia Roberts movie.

Boo, internet! Link FAIL.

Mr Bungle's first album.

She was great in those BEETHOVEN movies.

And not a very good one.

I don't watch a single ABC show because they canceled WORK IT.

OK, I'm gonna just go ahead and say it: it's terrible.

Both Siskel and Ebert went off on it, and even mentioned the "bone dry" shirt in the TV segment. Siskel: "When he crawls out of the water, his shirt is so white, it's as if it'd just been freshly laundered."

Michael Caine's greatest cinematic achievement: JAWS: THE REVENGE. Great scene where he crawls out of the water after escaping the shark, utters the great line "The breath on that thing!", and his shirt is bone dry. Also, he missed out on receiving his Oscar (for HANNAH AND HER SISTERS, I believe) so that he could

I saw both. Enjoyed the EVIL DEAD remake *a lot* more.