
Raining blood!!!!! From a lacerated sky…..Bleeding it's horror….Creating my structure 
Now I shall reign in blood! \m/  \m/ RIP


Just our two hours.

I've only seen this movie once, while drinking beers with a friend. As the movie dragged on, so did our drinking. When the spoken twist by Samuel L. finally came at the end, we both yelled and threw our half-full cans of beer towards the TV (both fortunately missing it and hitting the wall behind it) in total disgust.

Tardy to the party here, and no one will likely read this, but HOLY GOD, this was awful. "B" ?! Wow. Let me preface this by saying that I've like a lot of what Zombie has done. I love THE DEVIL'S REJECTS, and I think his HALLOWEEN II is one of the best horror movies of recent years, so I was *really* looking forward

Spot on. I didn't get that he was so upset for MLK as he was himself. "That man has a wife and two children!" Poor, sad Pete.

Nah, I didn't insult nobody. Get us a drink.

There needs to be an intervention on DeNiro. I can't stand watching him continue starring in these AIDS-stricken movies destined for United in-flight. Get him a in a room with Scorcese, Pesci, Ray Liotta, Paul Sorvino and a naked Harvey Keitel and knock some sense fucking sense into him. "GO GETCHA FUCKIN SHINEBOX!"

But I'll bet Sting looks much better in metal underwear than Bono.

That scene you described is from EVIL DEAD 2, not the original. Go back and watch the original. It's far from a laugh riot.


I agree with most points here save for a couple:

This contradicts everything I've read, which is that there are *no* GCI effects in the film.

I'm sure there'll be something at some point. I've seen numerous sites combing over that film for the same kinds of Easter eggs hidden here. I'm not sure it had the same amount of hidden subtext that THE SHINING contains, but I think there's still quite a bit, and I definitely think there's something to the

Isn't that a Dave Matthews Band song?

"She's a very aggressive girl, Rat." - Mike Dimone


It appears they also left out Faith No More's Angel Dust. That's fucking criminal.

And it was the worst episode of the season. Even the extras were awful.

"Don't shut me out."