
Get John Carpenter and Roddy Piper on this right now….

Please share.

You need to revisit your dogma. There is still a bonus round to come where you get a chance to spin the wheel of eternal damnation.

Dude that's just Round Rockers being Round Rockers, at least back in the 70's. Nowadays its just a suburban yuppie enclave for the most part.

It's be a lot cooler if he was. Do your sources know how I can get Alanna Rizzo's text number? I might want to show her my own wild horse in action.

What's that Goop on her face?

So Robert Rodriguez is directing this?


This site needs to hire Joe Bob Briggs to review these type of movies.

I thought the first one was a 2 trick pony, Lena Headey's toga ponies

How are Cool Ranch Doritos not good for your asshole? I get how the Jacked Up Ranch Dip Hot Wing Doritos probably aren't, but splain to me about the Cool Ranch ones.

Plus boobs

Maybe your version of prominence, but Howard Hesseman goes back quite a bit further than the 80s

No, you are presenting no evidence that your long wait was based on your lack of insurance or cash. I know that health system and if you waited that long it was because they were very busy not because they were withholding services based on your socio-economic or other status. Move along…

What is this gratuitous of which you speak? Boobies are always, always essential.

I think that is a broadly ignorant statement about San Antonio, unless you were talking about Sea World and Fiesta Texas, then I'll agree with you!

I don't know the last time you were admitted to an emergency room, but in Texas they triage based on severity of injury/illness not ability to pay or having insurance. Now let the refutation attempts begin…

You're mixing your Hanks and your Merles here dude.

Just keep telling yourself that…

There's another way? Please share…