
Ned Flanders is far from a religious asshole. Simpsons creators have been on record to say that they created Ned to be the opposite of what most people think of religious people.

Goats Head Soup is too damn cold!

(Upon seeing the dead cow)
Dale: I hate to go out that way. 
(3 minutes later)
Dale: I hate my life.

"T-Dog get the shotgun, but no dialogue you just stay quiet"

That cutting of the finger and placing it at the entry way reminded me a bit of Tales From the Crypt: Demon Knight

People from Philly are dirty anyways.

Robert Deniro's career is similar to the life of a star. It is now a black hole.

This is like Donny Osmond at Kent State.

Now that was a scary movie.

I should probably watch it then, lol.

At least they didn't put "Academy Award Nominated Jesse Eisenberg" at the top.

If you thought a Weekend at Bernie's was rough, try a weekend at CAMP HELL!!!

"I'm smarter than you, Gemma" That's the best line Tara has had in the entire series.

Time for a break up…jk

She gave it away on Boxing Day?

Have you seen her Newsweek photo? She looks like a female dog that's staring at headlights of a car that's going to hit her. Plus she lies.

I know this song from a Dr. Demento album, my dad played when I was a kid. Thanks for the memories Dad and thanks Mannequin Men, but not you Fall Out Boy!

Who shot Clay Aiken? Opie Taylor? I can't keep up with these young folk shows!

8 years? Well they skipped over the Obama years.

Now that the airing of grievances is over, I challenge anyone to the Feats of Strength over the excellence of this cover.