
Yep, Trigedasleng is spelled phonetically.

He doesn't view Linclon as a Grounder because he has spent time with him.

For the majority of the people who voted for Pike, they have lived a pretty safe life. They haven't seen battle, and their leaders have kept them safe while not letting them know what it actually happening. Not everyone in Arkadia went through what the main cast has gone through.

Isn't he interned right now?

I almost did, but my mouth was agape and covered by hands in shock.

Ugh, no, Bellamy did not learn to trust grounders. He learned to trust A grounder, namely Lincoln. He spent enough time with him that he no longer sees him as a Grounder. Right now, Bellamy is on a very destructive trajectory and is very much a fallen hero. Honestly, I think this episode was more of an B+ or an A- as

Ultimately, this comes off as terribly rushed, but after reading through an interview with Jason Rothenberg, the rushed feeling was the point. He was going for an emotional response from the people who no good experiences with Grounders. Much like 9/11 shaded a lot of US citizen's opinions toward Muslims, so the Mount

35 peeps were killed (Pike and Sinclair weren't there (-2) plus Gina (1) = -1 people).

I originally thought I wouldn't agree based on the title, but you make some very good points. The whole Mount Weather situation felt rushed. They needed to establish conflict and they did it a little too fast. This show has too much good writing for something like this to go unnoticed by Jason Rothenberg. Something

I legitimately thought they were going to kill him off in this episode. Part of me wanted them to do that to see what happened to the team and to see if the writers had the guts to do it. It was pretty obvious throughout the 4th season that Reese was preparing Team Machine for a time when he would not be there.

Excuse while I go vomit in response to this comment. *walks to bathroom and pukes guts out* Okay, what did I miss?

Oh my god, this episode. I am not ashamed to admit that I cried, for the entirety of the car scene which felt like half the episode. Actually, it's probably I was bawling for the entire back half of the episode. My mother got concerned for me because of those tears. That is the power of this show. This was easily one