seal of death

Well, I guess if Whedon knew he'd only have 14 episodes, he might have crammed them full with feminism, queer subtext and Asian actors (another popular head-scratcher). I love Firefly, but it still is an incomplete piece of art. IMO we can judge it for what it is, but the jury is still and will forever be out on what

Well, I guess if Whedon knew he'd only have 14 episodes, he might have crammed them full with feminism, queer subtext and Asian actors (another popular head-scratcher). I love Firefly, but it still is an incomplete piece of art. IMO we can judge it for what it is, but the jury is still and will forever be out on what

There was an interview with Baldwin and Fillion couple of months ago, when Baldwin was guesting on Castle, and they seemed like really great friends. I mean REALLY. Like they couldn't get enough of each other's company, taunting, gibing, laughing at some inside jokes and all. I was very surprised. Baldwin said that

There was an interview with Baldwin and Fillion couple of months ago, when Baldwin was guesting on Castle, and they seemed like really great friends. I mean REALLY. Like they couldn't get enough of each other's company, taunting, gibing, laughing at some inside jokes and all. I was very surprised. Baldwin said that

I thought he looked pretty good last couple episodes actually, but yeah, some slimming down wouldn’t go amiss hehe. I am not a fan of fat shaming actors, myself. Makes me uncomfortable. Besides I have a doctor friend who after glancing briefly at the TV screen when Castle was on said “This guy has some serious health

I agree, @avclub-6307a12d5c9e2fb5f23518a9a0ee8dd1:disqus. First couple of seasons were so sparkly and fun because the show was still coasting on its Fillion factor which gave 'em their start. They lived to service his fanbase and his brand of humour, and stayed on air. Then as the ratings and fanbase started to grow

I am no expert at this, @drdarke:disqus , but I think that wikipedia page @avclub-2fb050f720ec05278c847e73863e15fe:disqus linked proves it. Their numbers sag before Feb. sweeps, may be because new episodes are few and far between this time of the year, but normally they are above 10 millions viewers. Or it's DWTS

Seems like they actually treat seriousCastle and funnyCastle episodes like two different shows. Like it's not just a viewer's perception, they actually start filming with this thought: "And now…. DRAMA!" So when the funnyCastle can be sometimes quite clever, self-conscious and even above average (not so much this

It sure would. She sometimes looks like a Wookie with all that hair.  Would make a nice change, and this show loves its shock value plot turns.

I thought they regularly get over 10 million viewers? I seem to remember discussions about this odd fact that their overall numbers have actually been steadily increasing, even this season. It's ratings that went downhill this season, but their numbers are rarely below 10 million

This felt to me like a bunch of good acting wrapped in the cheesiest, most predictable storytelling and directing (kissing in the rain? wet hair epiphany? hanging from the roof top? etc.). I pity the actors, it's like they go "What now, this?! ……. OK, let's try to sell it. Come at me, shitty script full of TV tropes!"

"I can only assume the bad grade is due to the reviewer being disgruntled at not being cast in the part of the extra who got the high five Nathan Fillion."
Hehehe.. Powned.

1. And Slaughter said "it's a very fine coat", like Mal about Badger's hat.

"part dependable friend"

@drdarke:disqus  @avclub-9e6e65fab2f66cb6f758102e231a198e:disqus
Agree on both counts, Fillion is far from the best actor of his generation, and he has the Star Quality. He is no Christian Bale, not a chameleon type of actor. Or if he is that’s yet to be determined, he seems to be typecast in almost everything I’ve

And I forgot TWoP, which is considered to be, like, a housewife-with-a-remote territory? I might be wrong though.
Anyway, I used to lurk there too and never seen any Stana hating either. Mind sharing where's your impression coming from? I just might go and check out those housewives for old times sake ;)

"Can you think of a single episode where the worst scene is not Mal and
Inara going through their stupid "they love each other but

drdarke: I can not name any particular places, mostly it’s just a general impression from  LJ, Twitter, Tumblr (yeah, judge me all you want). I used to check spoilers at castlespoilers.blogspot.com (lost the interest for some time now) and witnessed a lot of Fillion bashing in the anon comments sections. All on the

Hehehe, that would've been quite a reveal about Phillippa Nugent..

OK, I haven't been watching Bones for a couple of years (as my love for Boreanaz is probably 0.5 % of my love for Fillion ), so I'm out of the loop. Giving birth in a manger sounds pretty hardcore. But it's their what, 8th season? While Castle started to suck at the season 3 mark and is getting progressively worse. At