seal of death

Yeah, can't believe I'm saying this as I am no fan of Stana K., but I don't even know why we're suddenly talking so much about her incompetence in this episode. Like it was its biggest problem or something. It was simply shitty writing on all levels - characters, relationships, plot, lines, showrunning strategy. If

Their chemistry was beaten and tortured to death during this last couple of seasons. And I don't know what you're talking about, I Will Probably Forget This Qu, I thought Fillion had tons of chemistry with everybody on Firefly, male or female. I would even say that his main (or one of) talent as an actor is his

As am I.
But seriously, drdarke is right. I'm not the biggest fan of Katic (not a fan at all), but Castle writers just don't take prisoners this season. Previous season they did, so it was more about the actors being able to pull off some amount of crappy writing here and there, justify this and that and, from time to

this show's way better when Castle's having fun, in the most expensive and freewheeling manner possible"
Problem is, it didn't feel like Castle had fun. He was blowing off steam, snarking, acting out, hiding heartache, whatever but it wasn't fun, not for him and not for me as a viewer. All this badly written, unearned

Yeah, I stopped watching after the last year's two-parter about dirty bomb and somehow started again this season. Occasionally. And believe me, previous season seems like a masterpiece compared to the current one. No really, I thought it couldn't get any crappier than that, but Yes, It Can. Actually you might consider

Now, that was truly awful. Every cliche ridden trope, every over the top plot twist, every anvilicious frickin' thing under the moon were used, and used with not a tiny trace of irony. When this show turned into its opposite so completely and irrevocably? We started out with the main character Castle laughing at

I liked that bit for the laughs, but it's getting seriously repetitive - her freaking out and him bailing out. She needs to get a clue and he needs his mojo back sometime this season. Now it looks like he is that awkward homebody she was at the beginning and she is that worldly wise ass he used to be. Lazy character

I actually liked this episode and the last time it happened was the Halloween one or "the fist of capitalism" one. Sure, it wasn't that perfect blend of funny and heartfelt (and even poignant sometimes) a handful of the best eps from seasons 1 and 2 were able to achieve, but these days lowering your expectations is

Putting acting chops jab aside as a matter of taste, Fillion certainly beefed up in the last year or two. And it's not always clear if it's muscles or fat or both, looks different in different moments. Funny thing is whenever I see him outside of Castle he seems to look heaps better than on the show, younger and

Yeah, I feel that the reviewer puts up with watching Castle only for his intense man crush on mr.Fillion. While normally I would not be OK with this kind of subjective-to-the-point-of-excluding-everything-I-don't-find-interesting approach, I can't help but nod when reading it, cuz I'm in that same boat here. I

I'm glad that at least here I'm not the only one who
can't take "serious" Castle episodes seriously. - Seriously?!
Seriously! - Several reviews and comments I've seen described Kill Shot as an
"A+" episode with "out of this world acting" and
"killer writing". I started seeeeeriously doubting my judgment when
I've read

I don't get why exactly they needed to move into dramatic territory, when probably every positive Castle review ever praised its humorous, comedic aspect and not much else. I understand the need for character development and some change in formula, but why do it at the expense of something that is successful and

Well, no clue. I would've assumed he's Claudio with that asexual attitude, but no. It's obviously not the whole list

You're not the first, no the last. I don't get Buffy (beyond several certain episodes which stand on their own), just never could feel for the characters I guess. Angel and Dollhouse are meh. Firefly, dr.Horrible and Toy story are great. You don't have to think he's God to be interested in his new project. The cast is

Whedonesqers ('a that a word?) already dug up the list of who plays who from some guy's blog ht tp://www.pinkisthenewblog.c…. Apparently he was an extra.
Beatrice: Amy Acker

Hey, I'm supposed to be "Seal". Serge the seal of death.. Just clarifying. And I'm glad I'm not alone, I was starting to panic. And when Serge goes into panic mode it's not a pretty sight

I think she's may be good at playing jealousy. In Nicky Heat episode she was better than usual too. She was horrible in the Indiana Jones/Mummy episode though, so it's not her comedic chops in general, it might be the jealousy angle

And all of them, I believe, except Prepon are Fillion's buddies he personally asks to do an episode. At least Alyssa Milano and Dana Delany told it like that. It's like when the time comes to do this anvilicous "he's yours" thing again producers go "Hey, Nate, are there any ex-gfs and bffs of yours left unCastled

May be they want to play Darwin. Survival of the strongest and most vicious

That one was truly awful