
Otto got tenure at Brown!

I hated that song because my roommate played it over and over again. I actually gained an appreciation when Jimmy Fallon, of all people, played a parody version of it on acoustic guitar on Weekend Update. It was because he started with the pre-chorus which goes into a melodic falsetto. "It's three o'clock in the

I thought Sporty was the one no one liked, even though she was the best singer. Basically every other Spice had her advocates, but Sporty was the butt of jokes like in Bend It Like Beckham ("She'll never get a fella.")

She should donate ALL her money to the poors and then never make any money again! That's how we know she is pure!

Meanwhile, a QB who took his team to the Super Bowl can't even get a tryout because he kneeled during a song.

Dr. Facehands?

Wouldn't that just be the Harmontown podcast?

Temporarily embarrassed millionaires.

The real difference between the two parties is "Do we at least pretend to care for others that may not be like us and are less fortunate?"

I was sad for a moment because I thought you were of Taiwanese descent, then I read your Disqus profile. Whew, just another angry expat white guy who is festering with racist rage.


You don't see the same criticism of the Warped Tour for having all pop punk acts. Lilith Fair catered to a certain kind of music fan, and that's perfectly fine. And yes, I really enjoyed that type of music.

Most of the cast are people that AV Clubbers like, so it makes sense it would get special coverage.

Ben Schwartz: You can bang in there.
BANG BANG into the room!

Live gagh or merely *turns up nose* raw gagh?

Life is demanding, without understanding.

I remember the execrable line, "Everyone says that she's so pretty, but she'd be a whole lot prettier if she smiled once in a while."

Speaking of the rise of light, summery pop music, I believe this is when there were a lot of one-hit wonders like "How Bizarre" by OMC and "Steal My Sunshine" by Len. A couple of years later we would have LFO singing about how Chinese food made them sick.

Don't let him hear you say that on Twitter, or he'll sic the Mexican gangs on you!

I remember our dining commons, or more accurately, Z 95.7 FM the Top 40 station owned by Mormons, having the Titanic song basically on a loop. Also, they really liked Jewel, specifically that song about her small hands.