
I was watching a stream of the British broadcast of the Super Bowl once and instead of the commercials, they would cut to a studio where analysts would talk about what just happened in the game. It was a couple of Brit analysts and one or two ex-players (I don't remember exactly who, but I do remember them from their

I'm trying to think of some reason to justify it. If you had fairly crappy starting pitchers but really good relievers, that might get somewhat better results than the traditional 5 man rotation, but it doesn't address the fundamental issue that if you have worse pitchers, you probably won't win very much anyway.

Are we allowed to punch people who like pineapple on pizza in the face? I think he's saying we're allowed to punch them.

I tried to make pork hocks by myself. It didn't turn out exactly as expected, but it was pretty good.

A diet of corn flakes every day has cured my sinful urges.

Yet he still can't get @ DonaldTrump on twitter. God bless the dude who squatted on that handle and won't give it up.

I think that's a fair solution. It doesn't really contribute a lot to general knowledge to know which episode of Friends was the one where Joey wears all of Chandler's clothes, but sometimes you gotta know, and who better to maintain that knowledge than huge fans of the show?

Any time editing and curation is left to a small group of crusty old white dudes, there will be a lot of history left out. The World Book Encyclopedia, for example, had a major hard-on for Reagan and in general, American Cold War foreign policy. Unsurprisingly, it does not mention various purges and massacres

"Imagine if every country did this for all industries."

White people love the Chinese, because they are even more racist than them.

No kidding, this guy is on a one-man anti-Constance Wu campaign. Are half of all message board posters either Russian or Chinese propaganda agents?

I just realized that Dhani Harrison is probably, like, our age (30s). He's older than his dad was when he was in the Beatles. Just another marker of our slow advance toward death…

It's got those Komedy K's!

Those are the worst people, though. They voted for him because of the lulz and memes, and probably half of them are/were shitty College Republicans, who invented the alt-right.

We said there's no way he lasts past the NH primary, then we said there's no way they pick him as the R nominee, then we said there's no way he defeats Hillary. Somehow this dude manages to keep winning despite common sense and every smart, non-asshole person in the country being against him.

I read "Michael Jordan" and was like :bug-eyed emoji: but then I realized it was Michael B. Jordan. Who is actually better for this.

Taco Bell is too foreign for me. Can I get married in a Burger King? Also, my bride is this sock puppet with googly eyes.

The dying mall that's nearest to my parents' home has nothing but tabletop gaming shops and one store that sells armor and swords.

You mean Debbie (sorry, Deborah) Gibson?

Aren't the American Girls supposed to be about historical periods? This fucker looks like the typical douchebag in front of you in line at Starbucks.