Doralee Rhodes

agreed. his CBB episode with Chelsea Peretti and Adam Scott veered off into some hilarious territory when they started their improv segment.

and you watch this show…why?

well, to be fair, if you buy those paint cans at half the price of the competitor's cans, you can't be surprised when they explode in your face.

I said earlier that those two are my favorite couple, just behind April and Andy.

I absolutely loved it when Jean-Ralphio busted a move and pointed at the camera. honestly, I love those two. next to April and Andy they're the best couple on this show.

SteelSky: I don't think April was standing up for Jerry. I think she just dislikes Chris for his manic positive energy and because he gleefully (and correctly) guessed everyone's costume. so her "solve this mystery" comment was especially cutting.

yes, and god forbid the show try anything different. isn't that why we all (most of us) fawn all over Community? because of their clever little theme episodes? well, this was one, and it was fucking HI-larious.

that was intentional nervous laughter because Dennis is worried Charlie's weirdness is going to fuck up his plan with the girls.

yeah, because it's not as though there are numerous books and articles written on the subject of good parenting vs. bad parenting. (kinda like the one we're all commenting on!)

the guy was just dumped. it's called fucking the pain away. we all do it, at one time or another.

yep, and size 14 women may be the "average" but it doesn't change the fact that they are, in fact, fat.

please tell me this is sarcasm. that very plotpoint couldn't have been telegraphed more obviously.

Jonathan's dive to catch the bag was hilarious as well.

aces. I love a good fart/poop joke.

…as Jim noted when there was temporarily no boss. "people just come in and do their work and go home," he noted.

you may be onto something. in fact, the prank in this episode is a complete rehash of that one time when Jim did that thing to embarrass and infuriate Dwight. you'd better start a letter-writing campaign.

because instead of being a planned embarrassment like many of the other rituals Jim included in the fake book, its purpose was to neatly and sweetly tie up an otherwise uncomfortable episode.

I agree with you wholeheartedly. I squirmed uncomfortably while watching this, and that hasn't happened during an Office episode in quite a while. it was a return to form, of sorts.

hence the need to ready your remote.

what? of course the few pretty women in a small town full of flakes are going to dance on "Pawnee Today." that's their only break. it's Pawnee; no one's going to "discover" them shopping at the supermarket and catapult them to fame.