Doralee Rhodes

but holy shit, what an opportunity!

not as many Helens.

agreed. Katie Aselton saying, "I got a great puss!" in season one of the League made me blush and chuckle in equal amounts.

yeah, we know! we watched it too!

good thing they just stepped on the toes. I don't wanna think about the shitstorm Bocephus would bring if they stepped on the entire amendment.

1987 Oklahoma looked a lot like Heavy Metal Parking Lot. the outfit on the girl in the accompanying photo looks like it could be purchased today at American Apparel.

Jerry is a dick to Kyle in the burger cook-off episode. he tells Kyle not to be such a pretentious douche when describing Chris' turkey burger.

also, now we know why Ron runs so funny - he's missing AT LEAST one of his toes.

don't forget the Lonely Island "Motherlovers" video. Susan and Patricia.


awww, the comment's gone and I wanna know what was so offensive! grr, I hate it when I'm late to the party. 

every time I see "Besnard Lakes" in print I read it as "Barenaked Ladies."

yes, and let's not forget, children: we ALL have tiger blood on our hands.

also, Chandler's teeth. Matthew Perry seemed to have gotten veneers toward the end of that show.

congratulations on making the easiest joke in the world.


yeah, yeah - we know. he's in love with himself. that's his schtick, people. 

regarding the execution stance: in recent years, Texas has become notorious for executing innocent or mentally retarded inmates. I think if Bill has softened his death penalty stance at all it's because of the horrific ways the death penalty has been shown to be abused in places like Texas.

dude. it's his show. do you expect him to shut up and sit in a corner?

that's just the needy comedian in him, though. I take issue with people saying things like "he only books people who will agree with him." bullshit. I've seen a number of episodes that featured more than one conservative panel guest. also, very often when the liberal audience boos a talking point by a conservative (or