
Hey look a useless comment. You should do less calling people fanboys for expressing dissatisfaction in a low quality review. Doesn't take a genies to work out a bad review when one line is dedicated to online (kind of a big deal in a game) and co-op get a side mention.

fanboy? God no. I couldn't care what score UC3 got. All I care about is this is meant to be a website giving advice to consumers. This is a bad review. Compare this to other reviews. Eurogamer's review is a good review because it is detailed and explains why UC3 got a lower score than other publications (lowest score

Huh? Nice to know I get a response like that from the Staff. Speaks for the site really which is a shame.

Also the IGN review actually reviews the whole product and is much more indepth and gives explanation for the grade. Its the difference between someone who gives the consumer a good insight into the product and someone who just writes for a hour  on a Sunday afternoon and has only played part of the game. I will leave

This is a really bad review. I admit reviews are opinions but how can a review be submitted by anyone with no information of the online features. It doesn't really review anything. Its sad sometimes how people are resorted to this. It sounds like it is written by a 12 year old. I wouldn't mind the C score if a more in