Dr Worm

Unfortunately, when C4 were re-running B5 circa 1999-2000, they had to skip over seasons 4 and 5 due to the repeat rights having expired. So we went from the ending of "Z'ha'dum" straight into Crusade a week later. God, talk about a let-down.

Oops, I should read things more carefully, sorry. Still, it was worth hearing twice.

Actually, I think Bosanquet's finest hour was his disco record, "Dance With Me", which had the honour of winning Kenny Everett's World's Worst Records Show in 1980. It really is one of the most extraordinary performances ever captured on vinyl.

Don't forget Poisoned Electrick Head!

The difference between actors and "character" actors is a bit less distinct now. It used to be the case that character actors were the kind who weren't interested in acting as a means to get famous, they just acted because it was their job and they had to put food on the table like everyone else. A character actor