
I was going to write a piece about it but missed the deadline for these. The brand is strong, but my time management skills are not.

What kinds of shows do you listen to then?

What are your top five episodes then?

Fave Australia ep?

Good to know. Wasn't previously aware of the show. Thanks!

I pull hard for the Michael Malloy episode, easily one of the most concentrated pieces of comedy podcasting I've ever heard: http://thedollop.libsyn.com…

I was lucky enough to be in the house for the taping of the latest episode. Classic hilarity for sure.

I got to see it in pre-release and this review nails it. I was really not on board at first but was totally won over by the depth of personalities and its agreeably shaggy qualities. It is a slight film, fond of telegraphing its intentions, but none of that detracts from the fun of it all.

I have recently discovered, and absolutely love Radio 4's program, From Our Own Correspondent, so I'd look for it to be covered here in the near future. Check it out if you've not yet already!

I make a point of putting everyone's given name in every podcast review I write, it's just a journalism thing. I've been on them since the DvM days and also featured them here when they guested on Tax Season: http://www.avclub.com/detai…

I honestly had to get out my pencil and pad to do the math on how long they'd been talking, subtracting out the time for the clips.

Anyone have a comedy podcast that they find to be a dark horse? I know that Hollywood Handbook has been that for quite some time but it feels like it has really risen in esteem over the last year. I love Hello, From The Magic Tavern, and I think that show deserves a wider audience. What about you?

I mean, remember when the Boston Marathon bombing happened and all of Reddit thought they had figured out that this missing college kid must have been the suspect? It was a clear case of mob rule mixed with confirmation bias, and quite scary to behold.

Jesse Case is amazing. I've written about the show in these pages before, and everyone ought to be listening to his podcast. Hilarious, poignant, expansive.

Interesting take, I really felt like it was a more open and honest version than anything that we'd heard before. One thing we can agree on, he's totally Axe from here on out.

No, I just meant here in the comments!

Can't we talk about The Dollop? This show is seriously worth your time.

I've covered two of the five episodes thus far; they've all been great, and I just wanted to give some love to other shows as well. Don't you fret!