MB Drapier

That's my blood type.

The fight was definitely awesome (blood as lighter fluid especially) and, as a viewer only, I thought the resurrection worked well. I knew Thoros would revive Beric because I spoil these things for myself, but I liked the way they handled it. We hear Beric speak during a close-up on Arya (I believe) and her surprise

Now I'm wondering what color my own hair is.

He probably would have just passed out and drowned.

I thought Karstark's execution might also be a callback to Ned's execution of the Night's Watch deserter in the first episode. Seems appropriate if so, if only because horrible things are going to happen to Robb soon, as they did Ned.

Almost everyone on this show, extras included, is extremely attractive.

@avclub-e57dbebc740250d2c4a370cf6ccb35f0:disqus Aww :(

@avclub-e95a45d0b1f5afdf0ab9cde82b4b1d06:disqus Having not read the books, I definitely thought Jaime became aroused when Brienne stood up in the baths. To my mind he seemed uncomfortable not because he was scared of her, but because he clearly got an erection. I could have totally misread this though, obviously.

I really thought they mentioned the daily name-picking on the show in a previous episode. Maybe not, thought I haven't read the books. But I have read book synopses online so I may have remembered it from there. Can anyone confirm this was indeed mentioned in the show?

Wahlberg as Nathaniel Merriweather.

All my bits start "I'm not racist but…"


I think it's that and also "guy who really likes to get high," which I assume is not a persona.

While this is a "sick burn," I'm pretty pumped that someone has a Marshall Applewhite account. Nostalgia!

That was my favorite of episodes I saw because I think both Kindler and Gelman are hilarious and I'm a big fan of anti-humor, whatever that is.

@avclub-d980b15d49101608dc407770f35b1d75:disqus Shades of M. Bison.

This is like the "Ethnic Food" aisle at the grocery store. Why on earth would they call it that?!

It's weird that he gets the conceit of the show - that these ideas won't actually help the businesses - and then doesn't realize that's the point, and part of why the show is so funny. What a dummy.

Oh god, I forgot about the consultant with the tiny penis. Sublime.

The people who stayed overnight for the trip were insane and that was amazing television. I loved when they all started opening up to each other.