MB Drapier

Who makes the Hotdog with Mustard chips? I love mustard.

i believe you mean think outside the bun

he probably doesn't but whoever does is fucking terrible at it. i can't believe those are real lyrics and people actually like them.

I wasn't holding…THE KID!!!!!!


@avclub-0f29370d9da664c1e143182f37301063:disqus I'm from Texas and have most frequently been asked if I'm from New York. I have no idea why.

Are you that stupid dickhead I used to buy weed from who inexplicably only listened to reggae and Blind Melon?

Hey, my people! I grew up in San Antonio and the Toadies were huge here as well. I think because of that I had an inflated sense of their nationwide popularity.

@avclub-7aefa9e2af18cd9e2fde628a5e813aa5:disqus Hey, have some respect for Grandfathers!


@avclub-7a5a3fe4ae33de425d06ac4fe8d097d2:disqus Yes, thank you. Names are difficult for me.

It was a nice callback to whoever dropping the letter on the floor when handing it to Tyrion.

He's fantastic. And yes, I find myself "aw"ing constantly when he's on screen.

I think, therefore I am a comedian.

I'm digging it as well.

Your pubis, at the very least.

Yes, exactly. Why isn't there more rap coverage on this site? Maybe it's because only me and three other people on here are actually interested in it.

My girlfriend said Melisandre's nipples "looked weird" and I just stared into nothingness for ten minutes trying to figure out how to respond. Eventually we determined that she had simply not seen enough breasts to realize the variety.

This would be the funniest show ever if all the men just walked around everywhere nude but with their dicks tucked.