MB Drapier

Sounds awesome!

He can wear the hell out of those weird contact lenses.

ceteris paribus, my modus operandi
is carpe diem, whether de facto or de jure

I had to look it up.

I remember him from his multi-episode role as some murderous crime scene technician on L&O:SVU. I think he dies or something.

Happy to help!

Poe's Law.

Just like my cat.

I wanted to see the AV Club's favorites.

I should post a picture of my own bulge for comparison.

It must be option B!

"The call came from inside the penis house."

The film is set southwest of the border.

I'm going to need some photographic evidence of this giant member before I'll believe it. Everyone said Fassbender was hanging dong and then I saw it and wasn't that impressed.

Liked for "Star Wars, crybaby music, superheroes…"

And your computer crashes every time you try to save or print it!

I've seen Tapatio Lays in San Antonio as well.

Hey, I'm approaching 30 quite quickly myself and I'm discovering the same thing. Weird!

Exactly. Emeril seems like a nice guy and it's obvious he cares greatly for New Orleans, which I really respect.

I know about it because of Eddy from Tekken 3.