You are amazing. Thank you!
You are amazing. Thank you!
Holy shit, I just posted above that I was obsessed with these African funk albums. I'll have to check out some of these other ones.
Holy shit, I just posted above that I was obsessed with these African funk albums. I'll have to check out some of these other ones.
I'm kind of obsessed with African funk compilations.
I'm kind of obsessed with African funk compilations.
Yep, I read a ton of Agatha Christie as well, once I had moved past Hardy Boys and Encyclopedia Brown.
Yep, I read a ton of Agatha Christie as well, once I had moved past Hardy Boys and Encyclopedia Brown.
Also "fantastic."
Also "fantastic."
Same here.
Same here.
Celiac Murphy.
Celiac Murphy.
@avclub-997c221538094d134659141cf61d51e3:disqus Sudeikis.
@avclub-997c221538094d134659141cf61d51e3:disqus Sudeikis.
I assumed the P'zone was just a P(izza Hut cal)zone.
@avclub-935f361fa2c753a8b94f28f3f94914cf:disqus Oh, yes. I won't disagree with that.
@avclub-935f361fa2c753a8b94f28f3f94914cf:disqus Oh, yes. I won't disagree with that.
Wait, are you suggesting that Rihanna was beaten by Chris Brown so that she would continue to be a public figure? Otherwise I have no idea what your first paragraph means.
Wait, are you suggesting that Rihanna was beaten by Chris Brown so that she would continue to be a public figure? Otherwise I have no idea what your first paragraph means.