Angry Raisins

I don't think the combat meshed that well with the rest in BI and I would have liked to have seen more of Columbia in non-shooty contexts, but, even if doing so served up the same story (which I like a lot) I wouldn't want to just explore the place. I think a signature property of games is a sense of personal

Even more inexplicable is those 3-second trailer …advert? summary?… things that lots of actual trailers now seem to start with.

Yeah, I like the gamedeals sub (current sales on video games). Reddit looks to have groups for pretty much every topic and set of beliefs you care to mention, so of course there are awful people and subs, but I've never found the blanket dislike it gets very fair.

Although I think sports have featured on the site for a long time, certainly long-predating the recent predilection for politics. So not so much a case of overreaching from familiar territory as just messing up.

Grace of Monaco: Mall Cop

It wasn't entirely devoid of context - there were a couple of earlier comics as part of the same story. Still pretty confusing though.

Spoiler: turns out being taken over by an alien entity is just a really clumsy metaphor for drug addiction.

"Mr. Camera, who has a camera for a head"

As implied by the title, she also goes around like a badass installing whatever software she likes on her cellphone.

Unimpressive though it was, it was at least good to know that a standard Windows machine (e.g. on a work network where you couldn't just download and install whatever you liked) could do some very basic image editing (cropping and the like). Hopefully "Paint 3D" will retain that.

Well, I never thought it was going to happen soon, but that's ok, I can be patient. However, at all has started to seem decidedly shaky.

Age of Teflon

Yes, but that's a brief "but we had to mop up HYDRA" patch-job 2 films later after not verbalising any issue at all in AoU. In line with what seems to me the Marvel approach of being far more "Right, we want these characters to do XYZ in this latest film, throw in the minimum dialogue possible to make that roughly

IM3: "Wow, keeping all these suits around is a bad idea, I'm going to destroy them all".
AoU: "Look at my cool army of remote-controlled suits!"

I always got the impression that WoT was originally conceived as a single novel - book 1 reads very much like one, with some hasty backpedalling in book 2 that it might have sounded like the Big Bad was just defeated and the world set to rights… but it wasn't really.

I think the extent to which the Marvel movie universe holds together a linked narrative is often exaggerated. Yeah, movies have a smattering of obligatory nods to other movies, and they try not to openly contradict each other, but there's not much serious continuity outside the individual character series and

I'd been intentionally holding off on watching the show past S4, as I really wanted to encounter events in the books first, but my confidence in their ever being finished constantly dwindles.

Drago will emerge unaware that the Soviet Union has collapsed, having been suspended for decades in the strange time-warping field of an epic training montage.

"And that's why they show that full glorious spectrum in the 1920s scenes" - a dog